Recurrent scalp boils with pus and cervical lymph node swelling may indicate chronic scalp folliculitis, possibly triggered by bacterial infections, scalp hygiene issues, or underlying conditions such as immune system-related factors. These recurring episodes often require a deeper investigation to identify the root cause for a more permanent resolution.
Next Steps
I recommend an online consultation for a detailed evaluation of your medical history and current symptoms. This will help determine whether additional tests (like a culture test or blood work) are necessary to identify resistant bacteria or other contributing factors. A tailored treatment plan, including long-term preventive strategies, can then be developed.
Health Tips
- Maintain good scalp hygiene and avoid harsh hair products. - Avoid squeezing or picking the boils as it can worsen the infection. - Strengthen your immunity through a healthy diet and stress management. - Follow up consistently with your doctor to monitor progress and make adjustments to the treatment plan.