
2016-03-16 10:10:00
I'm 5"6 height 95kg female..gained weight during pregnancy.my baby is 9months now.I'm breastfeeding also.Kindly suggest a proper diet for Weight-loss.

Answers (1)

Hi, Since you are bf the baby you cannot go on a calorie deficit diet.Instead look at eating every 2 hrs.Start your day with a glass of warm water and have a protein rich breakfast .Include soups, salads and fresh juices in your diet thru the day.Increase the amount of water intake to 4 litres per day.Avoid potatoes n tubers.Take lean meat n egg whites.Stick to freshly cooked food and avoid processed foods as much as possible.Exercise atleast 1 hr per day.A balanced meal and proper exercise ll help in weight-loss faster.

Answered2016-03-16 10:18:56

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