Weight nd appetite loss

2016-08-21 19:58:06
My father in law is having loss of appetite and his weight has decreased by 5 to 6 kgs in the past 6 weeks. additionally he keeps complaining of stomach ache. he has had a history of alcohol abuse (nothing for last 2 years) and currently consumes tobacco for 2 - 3 times a day. his blood test findings are as follows: haemoglobin - 5.7 (low) rbc - 3.5 (low) packed cells volume - 22.6 (low) mean corpuscular volume - 64.57 (low) mean corp hb - 16.29 (low) mean corp hb conc. (mchc) - 25.22 (low) rdw - 18.5 (high) platelets - 3.14 (normal) rbc morphology - hypochromia (++) microcytosis (++) anisocytosis (+) pokilocytosis (+) esr is 40 urine shows traces of leukocytes abd squamous epithelial cells lft is normal but serum globulin is little high at 3.8 and albumin:globumin ratio is 0.89 renal function test is normal patient is 54 years old male request your first cut diagnosis and prelimnary treatment suggestion

Answers (2)

It's Severe Anemia. Weight loss is a worrying part here. Folate levels need to be checked . Injectible treatment for Anemia should be started immediately . Also full body tests need to be done ,  especially KFTS, Urine RM and stool culture, Iron Profile. Further depending on these tests will be decided if you need to be treated by Physician or Hematologist .

Answered2016-08-22 16:55:48

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Consult a Hematologist who will ascertain his cause of anemia by doing some more tests and treat him appropriately after the diagnosis is established

Answered2016-08-22 06:08:08

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