Common Conditions


Dog scratch

20 days back dog scratched me with his nails there was no bleeding only white line on skin do I need to take vaccine dog has no symptoms of rabies plss suggest me I am so afried
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Deworming medicine

Doctor, my dog gave birth a week ago. Can I give her deworming medicine now please tell ..............
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Deworming tablet

I have a deworming tablet for my dog that contains Fenbendazole (150mg) and Praziquantel (50mg). My dog might be pregnant, and I want to make sure it’s safe to use. Can any advise me on this?
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Can I give mutton soup to my dog

My dog is 1.5 yrs old German shepherd, can I give him mutton it good for dog. Thanks In advance
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Biting puppy

My female puppy is less than 2 months old .. Breed is jonangi .. the only thing it would like to play is biting.. it always bites if it is left free.. how to control that biting.? It is suffering from some loose motions ( yellow colour)  as well.. the only thing we feed is milk .  Some times fruits.. Kindly help me with some suggestions of how to stop it from biting and kindly prescribe some medicine for its loose motions .
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Chamgadar (BAT) in home

Doctor today at  4:30 evening a bat also called chamgadar comes in our house flying and bite me on chest it bite me it's not a proper bite but as it was flying I came i it's path it collide with me and little bite type so is there anything to do I went to see doctor near in goverment hospital he told nothing to be done bat bite is not at all dangerous so is it okay or any treatment or medicine or anything needed after bat bite
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My cat is not eating anything.

I live far from city and I don't have access and means to travel frequently to see a vet. Two days ago I visited to a government veternary hospital. There they gave my cat injection to taxim 125mg 2ml and melonex 2ml both in the muscles after that my cat couldn't walk for a bit I complaint but nobody listened. And my cat is not eating or drinking since then. I am making her drink water from a dropper. And I forced a little very little gravy food to her but she is completely not eating anything. She just sleeps and watch if I call her. I don't know what to do plz help me...
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1.5 yr old German shepherd catches cold

Our german shepherd  1.5 yr old catches cold.what to do ? What can be done at home. Any remedies for this?
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Cat and diptheria

Does cat cause diptheria? Vet said that it's a myth .can I or my husband or my baby get diptheria from my vaccinated cat?
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Is Rabies virus neutralised by Sanitizer

I have a small fresh scrape size cut in my palm which I noticed after shaking hands with a friend who frequently handles dogs & as a precaution i rubbed my hands with ample amounts of Dettol hand sanitizer(alcohol based) within 15 minutes followed by soap washing within 1 hour. Are there any chances of  infection if the guys hands were licked by any dog shortly before the handshake even after rubbing my hands with hand sanitizer ?  Vaccinated in October 2022 & boosted in June 2024 with ARV. Yours thankfully.
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