

Abdominal pain

I am having a disc in my spine so I have lower back pain but along with it I am getting lower abdominal pain also so I just want to know the reason for my abdominal pain...
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Please explain my mother's report

Please let me know how can I improve this report by diet or I need medicine . What is the reason Please guide me.
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Pan l tablet

A gastroenterologist prescribed me Pan L for acidity and I was having it 30- 45 minutes before food. However, today the gap between food and Pan L tablet was almost 1.5 hours. Is this something to worry about. What is the usual wait time. Thanks in advance
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I am hbsag positive..

I am 36 years old.. diagnosis with hbsag positive withe the value of 2800.. lft normal ultra sound normal but fatty liver grade 2 .. hbeag negative and hbv dna viral load 890 , i am taking antiviral tenvir 25 mg from past 3 months viral load in un detected but hbsag value is fluctuating .. am i inactive carrier or active?? What to do..
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Smoking during jaundice treatment

My husband is in jaundice treatment around one month he is getting better now he is keep asking to smoke pls suggest
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Abdominal pain

Pain in left abdomen and left waist. Pain occurs if I stand for a long time . I had a surgical delivery 2 and 1/2 years ago.. I am not able to understand why this pain is occurring consistently..even don't know whom should I consult for this..can some body help me?
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My Liver condition is Serious ?

Dear Doctor , I want to know my Liver condition any serious please let me know ? I attached my CT Scan report. CT Report : Liver measures 16×17cm Mild borderline enlargement in size. Regards , Raja Sekhar Movva
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Pain in the upper left abdomen

Hi Doctor, I'm experiencing a pain in the upper left abdomen. Every time I take a meal. It stays there for 20-25 minutes, it goes down gradually and then it stops, but then it starts again every time I take another meal, and then stops after 20-25 minutes. It's been a month now that this is happening. What's the reason and cure for it ? Is it serious or normal ? I look forward to your reply Thanks Rajat S
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Period delay due to levosulpride pan DSR

For gastric issues I m on course  2monthof 75 mg levosulpride and pan dsr due to that my menses period got delay by 15 days no pregancy, is after stopping levosulpride and pan DSR period will come back . I also so white discharge in breast is that a side effects of levosulpride.
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Thick wall in interstine

THICK WALL DILATED BOWEL LOOPS ARE SEEN IN ultrasound, please help us with the proper medication and care
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