Hormonal Imbalances


Blood sugar shooting up after medicine

Hi, my fasting is around 110. In the night i take Eurepa 0.5 which is probably holding my sugar levels through the night. I take Janumet XRCP immediately after my morning tea. After breakfast i take Eurepa 0.5 2 tablets and my sugar level goes upto 265-300 after 2 hours. After lunch i take another Eurepa 0.5 and It comes down gradually to 140 by 4pm and goes down to 90 by 6.30/7pm. This is the pattern. Strangely only between 10am-1pm, my sugar levels go upto 265-300 irrespective of me taking any medicine. I tried all combinations as per my doctor's advice. Tried Glizihenz M80 in the morning. Diamicron in the morning. Only this time slot is not getting controlled. My HBA1C last is 6.5. I take normal south indian breakfast and avoid sugar as well (not even in tea). Can you please help? Manoj Menon
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Blood Glucose Optimal range

Hello I am 27 Years and got Hbaic 5.0 In Complete Health checkup is It normal or I should Try to Lower than. 5.0 , Fasting Glucose - 92
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Higher blood sugar kevel

I am having leg pains excessive urination and fatigue since few days . After checking my blood sugar levels fasting us around 110 and pp is around 160 . Can these symptoms be because of high sugar . What should i do
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Fasting glucose

After taking cyblexMV 80.3 my fasting sugar is 149. Can I take 2 tablets to make it come down yo 110 or below. Please advise.
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Gestational diabetes

Hi I have gestational diabetes and I use two insulins actrapid and lantus. My question is can I use lantus for more than a month since the pen is opened. Or do I have to buy new one after 1 month, please advice this for both actrapid and lantus
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What supplements should I take for insul

Hi I have obesity,lypodystrophy,low hdl and difficulty being fertile,I have dark patches on neck and other parts of my body and also skin tags,so is this insulin resistance?then what supplements should I take for this?
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Reverse prediebtes and weight loss

Earlier i was diagnosed with pcos ... after 2-3 years i diagnosed with hypothyroidism now 8-9 months back i was pre diebetes... what can i do i am over weight too
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Diabetes weight loss

My father have 350 fasting sugar and 14 hb1ac Cholesterol 200 triglyceride 460 Medicine by doctor Lupisit 2 times a day Glycoryl one time a day Mstat After 5 days of medicine and diet control today sugar is fasting 180 pp 118 But according to me there is no medicine for cholesterol and triglycerides is it ok just by controlling sugar and diet cholesterol will come down on its own? Can he take 1 glass of milk daily Can he take Q1 glass
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Fasting sugar level keeps below 50

I am diabetic for @ 8 years, sugar was under fair control. Recently I am facing the issue of my fasting sugar keeping low (below 50). Taken package checkup and results are HbA1c - 6.9, alkaline phosphatese level 149.66. Kindly suggest, medicines stopped due to low sugar.
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Thyroid problem in 45 years old women

My one aunt is 45 year old and have thyroid problem. and her thyroid level is 17 .which type food take and which type food avoid in this situation.
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