Recently Answered Questions on Allegra


Cough in night

In night cough is like .....i have taken cefixime antibiotic for 5 i am taking allegra 180 but cough is not going.
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Lip irritation and itching. Lips itching

Lips are very itchy and swollen up slightly. What to apply? Should I apply vaseline? Or take allegra?
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Allergies medicine

What medicine can i take for allergies while breastfeeding my 3 month old? Before pregnancy, I used to take allegra. Please suggest me medicines.
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I have sinasities allergy last 20 years

I had nose surgey last 10 years,but now I have chronic sinasities ,I use the allegra from last 1 year. if I stop to use the tablet problem repeatted.pls tell me the solution.
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Nose block

Nose is blocked, happens at night, please suggest remedy , mostly happen when season changes, taking Allegra 120
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It's like blister and swelling on ankle

It's like blister and swelling on ankle and currently using Neosporin powder with brufen, allegra , and some antibiotics
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Dust allergy

I have dust allergy and i have been taking allegra 120 mg, can you please recommend a nasal spray for my problem? TIA
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Medicine dosage

I want to know how allegra 180 mg tablet should be consumed? I have previously consulted a doctor but i am bit confused
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Skinlite prblm and what is the solution

But the doctor told me today use desowencream  and suncrossoft and allegra 120 mg is this good im so confusing
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Medicine confusion

I have been advised meprate 10mg to stop my periods and i have cold and was advised allegra 120mg.. can i take these medicines together or not? Will they have any side effect when taken together?
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