Recently Answered Questions on STATIN


Pulse near lateral malleolus of fibiula

My father have had issue of high cholesterol and triglycerides since 15/17 years for which he took statin and since last two years he was managing it naturally with regular lipid profile , but his march test showed triglycerides of 400+ and normal cholesterol and the one he had in june showed a a 200 cholesterol and and 211 triglycerides and after covid last to last year his energy levels have dipped and suddenly while massaging his ankle i picked up his pulse near ankle (lateral malleolus fibula ) and since then i am worried he is not listening to me plus his resting plus I measured multiple times sometimes it is around 80 sometimes it is around 100 even while he is just watching tv lying on bed generally it is always above 80-90 1. Should i be worried about pulse in his lower leg and high resting pulse rate , {recently a family member of similar age succumbed to heart attack since then i am too worried although we dont have genetic heart issues } 2. Should i force him to get ecg echo
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I had severly high cholestrol of ldl 188 in march 2020 , and on march 2021 my ldl was 55 , i used no statin or anything controlled my weight from95-72 ans just an cholestrol lowering oriented diet and my lipi profile came.normal but after a year at start i was not regular though first 3 months had no effect at all ldl was 170 but after 6 months and 9 months ldl decreased exponentially, but my concern is which is giving me anxiety that is the damage already done i had cholestrol in me for 1 year they for sure have done harm as i have anger issue my bp would have rise cause inflammation, although i had 2 echos and ecg with gap of 1 year which were normal but i am still concerned can at any time i would get an heart attack because 1 year with high cholestrol, it is scary, should i get an ct angiogram too see if its all f9 or should i consult a psychiatric as i am going paranoid, i dont have any family history also. HELPA
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Chest discomfort, pressure in mid stomch

Hi i am male of 27 years i smoke and drink from last 3 years daily, I did my blood test in which platelets was low, B12 is low, Ldl 135, TG 350, Total cholestrol 279, hscrp 6, GGT 355, Sgpt 68, SGOT 60, Ferritin serum 580, Is this dangerous? I catch allergies sometime eye and skin frequently from last 3 months, I am taking Statins 10 mg a day B12 injections Tab Urocosol 400 mg twice a day I feel like i will die soon, Not able to think clearly, i feel sudden episode of spinning and unbalance, I went for stress echo/TMT 7months back it came normal and went 3-4 ecgs all came normal, I really dont know what is being happening with me. Tell me please is this a dangerous markers? Can i have attack soon? I am feeling chest pain and left shoulder, Elbow and finger while at rest also pain comes and go. And radiate to fingers and elbow
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TMT high probability for Induc Ischemia

Dear Doctors and experts, I have recently got my annual health check done and my TMT came out as high probability for Inducible Ischemia. TMT Report Monitoring Leads: 12 Grade Achieved : 16 METS : 12 Total exercise time : 10.12 Reason for terminating: Fatigue . Actually I reached maximum pulse rate while doing stage 4 so terminated. Impression: High probability for Inducible Ischemia ST depressions noted during stage 3 in V4-V6 lead II-III aVF ECG- Sinus Tachycardia, T Inversion in V3-V6 I am currently on Rosuzun CV 10 and Udiliv 150. Doctor suggested to take this medication for 2 months and repeat TMT. Please suggest if I have to get Angiogram immediately. Is this mild positive ? What are the chances of blockages? I have high cholesterol problem since age 25 and have been taking statins (multiple courses, not taking throughout the year) Note: I have a family history of heart disease, my father underwent bypass at a younger age of 43.
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Pulsing hands wrist fingers

I was normally lying on bed on my abdomen with one ofhand beneath my head and one lying on bed freely, suddenly i started to feel pulsation on my hand , first i thought its normal throbbing/twitching but then i calculated the pulse and it was my pulse felt it continuous for 30 mins and i became a little too anxious about it, and checked thebp it came 140/90 buti was anxious this could be due to anxiety because during my regular health check up at a clinic my once came 118/74 and once 128/72 , my family has hypertensive history and recently i was diagnosed with high ldl cholesterol but i am not taking statin, just on an specialized diet, i dont have any deficiency or anything its just pulsing , i dontknow since i have been having thesepulses i have been facing issue of being hypersensitive towards pulse, consulted a gp, he said nothing much, also when i lay on bed or resting onsofa i continuously feel my heart beating hard/bounding pulse but hr came 50-70 , ecg/echo in april wasnormal
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Cholesterol & bp

My mother is 52 years old. 4 months ago her complained was Head moving. Then She was diagnosed with high bp & high cholesterol. All reports 4 month ago was: *Lipid profile test report ( two months ago) : Triglycerides: 128 Cholesterol: 257 HDL: 66 LDL: 166 Vldl: 25 Total cholesterol/hdl : 3.89 Ldl/Hdl: 2.52 * urea: 14 * serum creatinine: 0.58 *FBs: 96 * TSh: 1.02 * free t4: 1.13 * CBC: all are within normal parameter. Doctor prescribed one medicine for high bp ( now bp is under normal limit) & another medicine like statin for Cholesterol & told continue it. But he did not told any further report of lipid profile. I want to know after how many days can i check again cholesterol level? Can she eat almond, chiken? She is now under oil less diet. Plz advice some diet & test. Now she has no problem, she lives normal & absolutely fine. Plz advice any diet that improve her cholesterol level & overall health. Thank you 🙏
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High hsCRP

In a recent full body blood test, i found my hscrp level as 2.87 mg/L, which i feel is moderately high. I have a history of high cholesterol but it's under control after using statin. My present levels are TC 145, LDL 70, HDL 47, TGL 110. My fasting sugar is 112. Blood pr normal- 115/75. Tmt was negative a year back. I have problem of GERD and hiatal hernia. I had a history of moderate smoking, which i left 1.5 years back. Alcohol- very rare. My lifestyle is bit sedentary. On average, i try to take 5000-6000 steps a day (includes ~ 2 km brisk walk). Work stress level is at higher side. I completely avoid junk and fried food and try to take as much as possible vegetables and fruits. I avoid red meat,  prefer fish and chicken. Should i be worried of this high hsCRP level? Your guidance will be highly appreciated. What should i do to reduce the level?
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Lethargic Body with very low grade fever

I am had typhoid positive 2.5 months ago, Dr prescribed first zifi200 with paracetamol I took that as prescribed, but 3 days later fever recur then I seen with different Dr. He prescribed Tab Zocef 500 mg bd Tab Oflox 200 mg bd Tab Dolo 650 tds Cap Rabicip D bd For 5 days I was felling good after taking then u started my normal routine like Gym and office work. Then 3 days later fever recur then I seen same Dr he introduce Monocef 5 Days. It was not working for me same time also tried some Ayurvedic juices like Giloy juice and all. Its was low grade fever with body ache or you can say Fatigue or lethargic type which start from my shoulder and spinal cord. Almost one month later I seen a Dr. She orders CBC. ESR, SGIT, SGOT,KFT, URINE RM, LIPID PROFILE, S.TSH, TYPHOID. IGM and FBS All test were normal but triglycerides was little high. She prescribed statin and multivitamin syrup. I am still facing this low grade fever which not capture in thermometer with lethargic pain evry day.
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Chest discomfort and pain in left arm

Hi i am male of 27 years i smoke and drink from last 3 years daily, I did my blood test in which platelets was low, B12 is low, Ldl 135, TG 350, Total cholestrol 279, hscrp 6, GGT 355, Sgpt 68, SGOT 60, Ferritin serum 580, Is this dangerous? I catch allergies sometime eye and skin frequently from last 3 months, I am taking Statins 10 mg a day B12 injections Tab Urocosol 400 mg twice a day I feel like i will die soon, Not able to think clearly, i feel sudden episode of spinning and unbalance, I went for stress echo/TMT 7months back it came normal and went 3-4 ecgs all came normal, I really dont know what is being happening with me. Tell me please is this a dangerous markers? Can i have attack soon? I am feeling chest pain and left shoulder, Elbow and finger while at rest also pain comes and go. And radiate to fingers and elbow
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Muscular pain,feel unstab

I recovered from vitamin D,vitamin b12 deificiancy about a month back.everything was getting back to normal smoothly.but when weather changed i started getting muscular pains all over body.some areas stiff,others numb. Took robinaxol 5 days..improved situation by 30-35%.main issue is i feel bit unstable when walking,running...breathing is bit odd too( i am more aware of my breathes).massages and epsum salt bathes make little difference. Was diagnosed with vit D,b12 deificiency,very high ldl( which is 61 now),spondylitis... Everything was ok till weather changed..was doing cardio everyday too.. Now crackling sounds all over body..feel weird pressure on shoulders and neck..sometimes i feel like vomiting but absolutely no vomit.overall i feel weak.. Doing yoga twice a day ,stopped cardio and continuing statins 5mg..was on vitamin D satchets for 10 weeks..b12 above 2000 now
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