Recently Answered Questions on VALUECEF-O


After Marriage,Is there Any Problem To o

Hello Sir Im suhasini.Im in love vth my brother in 2 weeks we are getting married.And my quesion is,my blood group is B+ And his is AB+.Is there any problem,And some one are telling,marrying in relation causes problem.So plz Help Me Sir
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O  Hello Sir ( attachment )

F attachment / ATTACHMENT /   HELLO  SIR  ,   F D A   approval  or  not  ,   FDA  approved  ?  ?   not  sure   !  Regards ,
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O nahi samaja

Is it important that pennis skin should open or if not open is there any problem .what happens if not open
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Pregnancy o

On 18.07.2017 i had sex with my wife with use of protection. But the same was tear now i m not sure whether she will get pregnant. I dont want baby now. Should i give her any contraceptive pills.
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Problem in digestion, everything comes o

I have problem in digesting anything. Severe pain in my stomach. My gall bladder has already been removed few years back due to excessive stones. Moreover my stitches are also paining.
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Darkness o

My underarm ia getting darker day by day, please advise as to what I can do to avoid the same.Please note that I use deo daily but I cant stop using it since I start stinking in case I dont use deo
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Consultant o

I am suffering from heavy pain in my right hand wrist & am unable to move my hand. Areas have been swollen a bit.
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O/C/O RT Proximal Humerus Fracture

Hi Sir, I have met with an accident on 8th October,2017 and got Humerus fractured completely on right hand. I have been treated with ORIF surgery. Then I went to clinic for follow ups. On 18th December 2017, slight deviation is noted in my bone. Doctor said this is acceptable and there is no need for reoperation. It's been 5 months right now and there is no visible callus formation on fracture sight. The fracture line is still visible. I went to my doctor yesterday. He said wait for 3 months is case of delayed union...he said There is clinical union because there is no pain at fracture sight and I'm able to move my hand efficiently. I have no such movement restriction around fractured sight. Could u tell me sir...that how much time it will take to there any need for CT scan to examine exact extent of bone healing...and is there any chance for reoperation. I have been attaching my x-rays for each follow-up in ascending order. Thank you.
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Severe ocd (pure o)

My sister have severe ocd since 5 yrs..she has tried various medicines in allopathy but nothing helped... Therapy done CBT done ERP done Rtms done but no improvement.. Now doctors have suggested for deep brain stimulation surgery... But we are really afraid of it as it's under clinical trial and results are 50% only... Can homeopathy help in this severe case of OCD. Please help if any of you have experience in treating severe case of OCD... Her problem is intrusive thoughts, fear and anxiety.. Please help if you can save her from surgery
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HypoNat O 15

Is it safe to take Hyponat 15 for sodium level 128 for 10 days at home or is there any alternate treatment to raise sodium deficiency ?
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