Headache And Throbbing Sensation
Itching problem
Why this happen to my pregnancy
Regarding the prescribed tablet
Problem in Urine
Acidity problem
Stress Management & Focus
Abnormal ECG
Diet plan.
Liver test
Can I have sex if have balanoposthitis
Shoulder Imbalance
Brain Health
Urea cetylated fatty easter complex
Teeth whitening
Drive d3 60000iu
Breast size
Gain weight
Running nose
Eyebrow hair growth
Nausea, continue 20 mins can not speak
Need help with query
I have acne scars on my face
Body each and stomach pain
Hair fall issue
Hardened scalp formation
Nasal polyp in right nose
Steess and sleeping disorders
Post acne scars
Swelling in foot
Unhealing ulcers on lips TOBACCO CHEWING
Gerd diet dos and don't
Sperm morphology
Pain in waist and weakness
Need help with query
pain in throat and tounge
High ESR in blood
Weight gain since last 2 yrs abnormally
Feeling shortness of breath & tightness
Abdominal dull pain in empty stomach
Irritation in throat
Weight loss
Fracture carpal bone
Psychology question
Dear doctor
Skin problem
Cough Problem in every season
Blocked nose
HOCD(Obsessive compulsive disorder)
Regarding dental problem
Over masturbation At the age of 88
Thickness of utrus and irregular periods
Suggest any medicine for long time sex .
How to avoid migrane
Scratchy & Itchy throat with acidity
Swelling in both hands in elbow joints
Erectile dysfunction
Bluish swollen toe nail
Wood apple benefit in treating high BP
Medicine for piles
Jaw Clenching tight
Headache and stiffness in neck
Sleeping Problem
Pain in right side of chest
Tummy reduction after delivary
Urinary problem
Pregnancy related
Dental bridge
For my father
Meprate10 tablet
High grade fever once in a week
Eye infection.
Skin problem in legs
Left eye blur
Poly cystic ovarian disease
Fever ,dry khansi
Basal scan
Blood in urine
Breath stopping in middle of sleep
Need guidance on emergency contraception
Anger Issues
One small lump inside skin in chest
Hair Growth - Onion Oil
Sebowash Shampoo
Uterine Fibroid
Tinnitus problem
Not concieving after misscarrage
Foot corn for the second time
About medicine
Right hand pain
Cold along the ribs
My ultrasound report and lft report
Suffering from anexity and depression
Undescended testicle
High fever
Pcos - exercises - Trying to conceive
Sore irritating
OGD test availability
Weaknesses in legs cannot walk
Dark acne marks
Liver health checkup
Switching Orthodontist
Acne vulgaris
About ecps
Lower and upper backpain
Inflammation in Nose
21 month old peeing alot which smell odd
Joint Pain
Phimosis treatment
Boost immunity
Dizziness and pain while pee
1st trimester concern
Swelling under ears. Ear pain. Jaw pain
Height increase issue
Dry cough in morning
Period like pain in pregnancy
Ear pain blocked.Nose congestion. Drops?
Eyesight checkup
fungal infection...
Burning Stomach
Sabacute intestinal obsrtuction
Bronchopulmonary dysplacia
Fertility-friendly lubricant
High creatinine levels
Grey hair in toddler
Red eye right side
I have lost 7 kgs weight within a month.
Right eye is red for the last 2/3days.
Choronic abdominal paon
Drug abuse
Pcod and for wieght loss
High Lymphocytes in blood
Sports hernia
Runny & blocked Nose
Severe back pain
Periods are missing
Which foods.are increasing sperm count?
Becasules and mega 3
Widal test
Hairfall problem
Gynecomastia and lipoma
Fever not going since 4-5 days
Having cold for more than 3 months
Suffering by write side body shoulder pa
Chest pain
Hepatitis A vaccine
Knee pain and hand pain
Dosage confirmation
Dry eye syndrome
Acne on back
Painless bump on Hairscalp and Chick
Nervijen plain capsule
Hair loss and bald patches
Fracture in Spine L5 and S 1,2
Stressful situation.
Probably suffering from UTI
How to get periods any medicine
Inflammation on glans
Chest swelling and push inside the chest
Cyst in my testicles
Hairs problem
Depression and anxiety
Flu and cough from 8 years 2012
Deriva bpo gel
Coronavirus fear and anxiety
Pain in left breast
Fnac in breast
About my periods
Tetnus vaccine misconception among docs
Weight gain related confusion
Hot water blister from cooker
Not getting proper periods from 2mnths
Baby milk production
Dalia means
Milk production
Sore throat
Hair problem
Fever, Headache and burning eyes
Mensuration problem
Difficulty in swallowing,ear pain
Redness itchy dry upper lips
Skin pealing off
Genital wart treatment
Feeling pain in chest
Gastric issue with abdomin pain
Pain in bottom of right rib cage
gallbladder stone
Breast milk
Focusing on nose
Pain on Left bone cheek..
OSTEOTOMY for bow legs
Blood Pressure Diastolic 60
Sex related problems