Increased fetal movement
Nightfall Or Nocturnal Emissions
Mouth and throat ulcer
Pregnancy test
Red Eyes, white layer on eye surface.
Pinched nerve
Waking up in middle of the night
Skill allergy
Discomfort in left arm!
Mouth ulcer
Performance during sex
Dryess followed by burning sensation
Give me details
No urges for sex
Constipation more time occurred
Pregnancy check
Itching under the knees and on hamstring
2 year old itching
Eczema and Atopic Dermatitis
Do not much pleasure during intercourse
Thyroid and erectile dysfunction
Delayed Teething
Pain in and around chest sternum
Sweating and cold feet
Possible eczema
Sore throat and swallowen gland
Fever related
Need advise for next scan for pregnancy.
Discharge related
Unable to get sleep, depressed, stressed
Prenatal Vitamins
Blood coming from Nose
Omega 3 capsules for Dry eyes
Reaction issue
I reach orgasm within a min
Carpel tunnel synd. Doubted
Extreme hair loss
Fluid in cervical canal?
Liver problem
I am suffering of ibs disease.
Cholelithiasis and Mild Splenomegaly.
My baby is suffering indigestion, potty
Stomach problems
Breathing issue
Flat head bay
My wife is 9 weeks pregnant
Suggestions required for L4 L5 pain
Many times Potty
needle like feeling at neck
Not eating any food since two days
Vocal cord neduls
Potty problem
Give me details
Lumps in Breast
Give me details
Give me details
Itchy rashes for more than a month
Give me details
Irritation and swelling in one eye
Keloid reoccur after injections ?
Pain in left side of chest
Irritation,pain and swelling in right ey
Early Ejaculation
Pain in right elbow
Having severe toothache and ear pain
Lump near anal
Very hard stool during poop..
Giving cow milk
Neck pain problem
Having problem whenever eat something.
right earache
Post nasal drip , cough , nose block
Light bleed and pain during intercourse
Skin Allergy and irritation
Spots on both feet
Dental related issue
Requested to give a reply...
Upeer chest pain
General Corona Query
Regarding penis
Redness in throat
Use of serum
Anxiety and Alcohol Use Disorders
Stress and Anxiety
Missing teeth
Liver problem
Dandruff problem consistently
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Bat exposure
How to heal mouth ulcers quickly.
Slight cough
Feel like punching the wall or breaking
Pus discharge after fistula surgery
Fair skin needed
Heart Bit continually 100 +
Hand joints pain
Pin and thread feeling on face
I diagnosed with 58 sugar level
Brown discharge on 34th day of cycle
Only little dry cough
Sticky poop, Gas, Indigestion
Only dry cough little
Tonsil Problem
Risk of HIV
Skin allergy
Left abdomen pain and vagina pain
Reduced appetite of 3 month old baby gir
Ashwagandha and himalaya guduchi
Regarding hair
Throat Problem
Testicular pain right side
Eye watering
Pain below abdominal
Mild fever and dry throat
Chest pain
Severe problm plzz help
Is chitralka and urikind k syrup same?
Shortness of breath
Strep Throat
Pregnancy test hcg
Light Pain and shaking in left hand
Seman count
Sneezing and coughing
Stomach pain
Steriod or costeriod creams
White spots on tonsil
Skin Allergies after every two days .
Stomach pain
Lump in right breast
Vertin 8mg can be taken with Matformin
Dry and dark brown color bleeding
Weight loss
Vertigo from last 15 days
Side effects to a medicine
Eye infection
Heart palpitations
what to do next ?
Insomnia at night
What should I do with my braces???
Should I consider hemoglobin levels?
Pain in right nostril bone
Dry eyes treat
Period delayed by 2 months
Gerd and gastritis
Question is for my daughter
Evening Bath
Vaccine but Lock Down
Itching in throat dryness no fever
White patches on scalpe
Redness raised itches
Stomach pain
Pulp capping
White colour patches on scalp
I feel dizziness
Weekness in thigh muscles, biceps
Semen problem
Stress and anxiety
Penis tip burning
Breathing problem
Pregnancy detail
Cervical spondilitis
Pain in left ear
Nasal congestion
Nvd prasad
Feeling short breath
Pain and excessive sweat
Feeling shortness of breath.
Placenta position
There is something in my lungs
Numbness in leg
Missed periods
Nose swelling
Dark brown bleeding
Accidentally swallwed glass
dizziness and pain left of navel
Flu with light headache
Want to know the type of jaundice
Throat Infection
Need of diet chart
Pregnancy related
Neck and throat issues
Weight loss issue
Lymph node swelling
IBS related
Steam inhalation
Piles Problem
Eyelash ithching Swelling
About Berberis Vulgaris Q
Flaky scalp with bumps , itchiness
Postnasal drip
Periods delayed by 15 days
Delay in period
Burning in urine for 4 years
Cut on hand
Excess burping and reduced appetite
Big unhealingULCERs on lower and upper
TSH High How to control
Tooth pain after composite filling
Pimple in Eye
Suffering from cough
Serious back pain
Pregnancy realted
Drak Penile spots
Heartache & Palpitations
Skin rash
Irregular periods
0 sex drive
Constant weakness
Anal fissure
Pain in right inner leg
pain on back of thigh from hip to knee
Irritation in the eye
Hyper Acidity and Throat Itching
About pregnancy
Chronic sinusitis due allergies