T 136/1, Ground Floor, Begampur, Main Shivalik Road, Landmark: Opposite Liberty Footwear Showroom, Delhi
Get DirectionsJiva Ayurveda's mission is to bring Ayurveda to every home. With 500+ doctors and healthcare professionals, we provide personalized treatment to millions worldwide. Our 80+ integrated clinics across 17 states offer personal consultations, serving 8,000+ patients daily in 1,800 cities. Jiva Ayurveda manufactures ISO, HACCP, and GMP certified Ayurveda medicines and 180+ wellness products in our Faridabad-based unit. Our commitment to quality and accessibility drives us to make Ayurveda widely available.The address of this clinic is No T136/1, Ground Floor, Begampur, Shivalik Road, Opposite Liberty Footwear, Malviya Nagar, New Delhi, Delhi.
Mon, Wed - Sun
10:00 - 07:00
Visited Dr. Sandeep Panchal (Ayurveda)
Note:Â This doctor is no longer practicing at
**** ****** in terms of ayurvedic medicine which is better for all human beings and it's really helpful for our daily life style
Visited Dr. Sandeep Panchal (Ayurveda)
Note:Â This doctor is no longer practicing at
Q: How can I take appointments for doctors in Jiva Ayurveda?
A: You can take appointments for doctors who practice in Jiva Ayurveda online on Practo.
Q: What do doctors who practice in Jiva Ayurveda specialise in?
A: Currently around 1 doctor practice in Jiva Ayurveda who specialises as ayurveda.
Q: What are the Jiva Ayurveda timings?
A: Clinic is usually open during MON - SUN 10:00 - 19:00. You can contact the clinic through Practo.
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