Health Q&A
Vertigo and heavyness back side of head

3 months ago I was diagnosed with vertigo problem, doctor gave me prescription with zevrt and some more tablets, after a week again got the same spinning sensation problem. Later Im using Homeopathy medicine. Now I'm not getting any  spinning sensations , but I feel heavyness in the back side of my head some times I feel heavyness whole head ( very rare). That too Im getting this only on evenings and night time, if I had a tight sleep I feel relaxed. But while going to bed at night I can feel the heavyness again. Is it problem with the homeo medicine or something else. Please suggest me.

High lipid

Cholesterol is high... Please see the reports Please suggest ayurvedic Can i take himalaya lasuna??? Or suggest anything else??

Running nose and cold

Hi Doctor, From last 2 months I have been facing a problem of running nose and cold in the morning time and after taking hot water bath it reduces and I have sinus problem from almost 4 yrs but it never caused me running nose at morning time, and recently I moved to different house from that day am facing thia problem, I think it's because of environment change. Please answer the question with some ayurvedic medicine, Thanks in advance,


Hii My stomach is not getting cleaned properly i drink water. Some days before I passed hard poop which it is burning for me from few days. Please suggest any Ayurveda medicine for cleaning the stomach

Pranayama benificial or not

Is pranayama scientific proven? alternate nasal breathing(anulom vilom? is benificial for cardiac function?