Avastin Injections

Health Q&A
Will I go blind I have high eye power

I have -6 eye power in both my eyes and -1 cylindrical power. Could you please tell are there chances of me loosing my eyesight . I am really scared . I am currently 28. I have done my retina test and other eye scans all are normal.

Request for Assistance with Low Vision

Dear Practo Support Team, I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to seek assistance regarding some vision-related issues that I have been experiencing recently. I have been facing low vision issues with my eyes, particularly when working on digital devices such as laptops. Without my glasses, I have hazy and blurry vision, making it difficult for me to focus on the screen and work effectively for extended periods of time. Additionally, I have been experiencing dry eye issues, which further exacerbate my discomfort and impact my productivity. Given the nature of my work, which involves extensive use of digital screens, these vision problems have become a significant challenge for me. I am reaching out to seek your guidance on potential solutions or recommendations that could help alleviate my symptoms and improve my ability to work comfortably and efficiently. I would greatly appreciate any advice or assistance you could provide in this matter.

Headache when try to see/focus

I am having headache while I try to see or focus and feels blurry sometimes. I am breastfeeding for 10 months old baby. I did lasik 7 years ago.I feel eyesight is fine but don't know the reason behind this. Can anyone help.

One left eye lazy

I have lazy eye in my left eye. So which glasses can I wear so that it does not affect my other eye too much? .please reply dr

Regarding Surgery

Dear Doctor Sir/Ma'am , I had eye check up in Eye hospital, where doctor suggested to go for barrage laser, it safe to go for ? & What are the side effects of it? If there are side effects how long will it take to recover?

Health Feed
Understanding the Various Types of Glaucoma

Glaucoma is a complex eye condition that affects millions of people worldwide. It's often referred to as the "silent thief of sight" because it can progress gradually without showing any noticeable symptoms until significant vision loss has occurred. One of the critical aspects of managing ...

3 Symptoms of Diabetic Eye That You Must Know

In a world where chronic diseases like diabetes are increasingly prevalent, it's crucial to understand their widespread impact on various aspects of health – an aspect often overlooked is eye health. Diabetes, known primarily for its effects on blood sugar levels and insulin resistance, also ...

Unlocking the Secrets to Brighter Vision: 10 Essential Tips for Healthy Eyes

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on maintaining optimal eye health! As the window to the world, our eyes play a fundamental role in our daily lives, allowing us to perceive the beauty around us and navigate through the complexities of the world. However, amidst the hustle and bustle of modern ...

8 Ways Diabetic Eye Complications Can Affect Vision

For individuals living with diabetes, managing blood sugar levels is paramount for overall health. However, what many may not realize is that diabetes can also significantly impact vision. Diabetic eye complications can arise, affecting various parts of the eye and leading to vision problems if ...

Recognizing Early Signs of Eye Problems: A Guide

As your trusted ophthalmologist, we understand the importance of early detection and treatment when it comes to eye health. Many eye problems can be effectively managed or even prevented with timely intervention. In this post, we'll discuss some common symptoms that may indicate underlying eye ...

Dr. Swarna T P - Ophthalmologist
Dr. Swarna T P Ophthalmologist (DO, MBBS) 12 years experience Harithasa Multispecialty Clinic and Diagnostics
37 recommendations Padmanabhanagar, Bangalore INR 500
Dr. M B Trishala - Ophthalmologist
Dr. M B Trishala Ophthalmologist (MBBS, MS - Ophthalmology) 34 years experience Manipal Hospital
23 recommendations Jayanagar 9 Block, Bangalore INR 700
Dr. Pinto Kiran - Ophthalmologist
Dr. Pinto Kiran Ophthalmologist (MBBS, MD - Ophthalmology) 13 years experience Samarth Nethralaya
17 recommendations Vijayanagar, Bangalore INR 500
Dr. Supriya Bhagat - Ophthalmologist
Dr. Supriya Bhagat Ophthalmologist (MBBS, MS - Ophthalmology, Fellowship in Phacoemulsification & Refractive Surgery) 20 years experience Nethraneel Eye Care And Lasik Center
50 recommendations Harlur, Bangalore INR 500
Dr. Deepa M - Ophthalmologist
Dr. Deepa M Ophthalmologist (MBBS, MS - Ophthalmology) 17 years experience Care And Cure Multispeciality Clinic
51 recommendations Sahakaranagar, Bangalore INR 500