
Health Q&A
High sugar

In sugar test my sugar level is 190 but in HBA1c test it is 5.5 what should be the reason of this please tell me why my sugar is high what is reason i am diabetic or not

Please check my report

I have diabetes and I just recently did my blood test .this is my blood urea report please check and let me know

Sugar level

Sugar level: Fasting 137, PP 211. Is this high?A diet can control sugar level?any suggestion? What is the normal range for fasting and PP?

Diabetes tests results

I am planning to take a blood sugar test and in the last two months I have consumed lots of fruit juices...does that make any spikes in the report??

Feeling extremely hungry & light dizzy

Hello respected doctors. Im heart patient, ive triple blockages in heart & im taking heart medicine everyday. 2 month ago i found out i have sugar. FBS- 240 , PPBS - 344 HBA1C - 8.1. Till one & half month im taking sugar medicine METFORMIN 500 - 2times daily , GP 1 - 2times daily, TENGYLN - 20 - 1 times . Taking those medicine for 1 & half months im feeling extremely hungry from today, dizziness, & nausea type. Is my blood sugar come to low or medicine not working? Plz help