Epidural And Spinal Anesthesia

Health Q&A
Mild periarticular soft tissue edema

Hi I have a pain in right ankle I have taken MRI scan in that report .visualised distal leg showed :11×8mm sized cyst in intraosseous region of distal tibial, fibula - benign finding. Is there any treatment without surgery?

Clarification regarding tablets dosage

Hello sir/madam, My mother, P.Nagamani has been suffering from L4-L5 spondylolisthesis,disc bulge and spinal cord stenosis in addition to Proximal hamstring tendinopathy.She has been prescribed medications Baclofen-10 mg and Eto shine MR. For how many days at maximum she should take each tablet in total ? Please any one clarify

Question on Meniscus tear

Right knee MRI shows grade ii signal in the body and posterior horn of medial meniscus and Mild thickening of lateral patellar retinaculum with mild lateral tilt of the patella - likely mild features of excessive lateral patellar syndrome. No features of patella alta or trochlear dysplasia. The consulting doctor says there is a tear that has been fragmented. Will it fall under Grade 2 tear and is there any conservative treatment? Pain reoccurs in both knees during squatting, getting up after sitting for long hrs, climbing down stairs, sitting cross legged. Photos of MRI attached.

And little pain in abdomen

Sir I can't tolerate pain and nausea and vomiting and became very tierd .and I can't breathe properly while I lied down and it is passing through the under rib and chest

Lower Back pain issue

I have pain in lower back... Have attached the report what this report signify thanks for answering .