Health Q&A
Redness and itching in my eyes

I am happy this problem from last week My eyes are red, swelling in the white part of eye and there is itching as well When I rub my eyes I experience pain also It is present only in the right eye

Will I go blind I have high eye power

I have -6 eye power in both my eyes and -1 cylindrical power. Could you please tell are there chances of me loosing my eyesight . I am really scared . I am currently 28. I have done my retina test and other eye scans all are normal.

Pain and redness in left eye

I have been using contact lenses since long and this time i forgot to change new lens after 30 days. On using the expired lens, one day i got acute pain near pupil area in the left eye followed by redness. Next day there was no pain and after 2 days again got the same pain. What would be the reason and how to cure this.. please suggest

Anesthesthric spray fall on eyes

My wife undergoes a laryngoscopy procedure yesterday but by mistake while putting spray on mouth, few drops fall in her eyes, after that burning sensation happened immediately she washed her eyes and now there is no redness, no burning now but her eyes seems to be somewhat swollen. What drops she should take pls tell

Left side of my left eye is red

Hello Doc, From last 20 days my left side of my left eye has got red. I have tried many home remedies like cold water showering in eyes, eye drops but its all in vain. Also it gets more itchy and dark red in the evening. Please let me know causes and remedies.

Health Feed
Understanding Glaucoma: 4 Essential Facts

As your trusted ophthalmologist, it's crucial to equip you with essential knowledge about eye health. Today, let's delve into the complex condition known as glaucoma. Understanding these four key facts can help you navigate this condition more confidently:1. Glaucoma is Sneaky, Yet ...

Understanding Color Blindness: Recognizing the Signs and Symptoms

Color blindness, also known as color vision deficiency, is a common condition that affects how individuals perceive and distinguish colors. Contrary to popular belief, color blindness doesn't mean seeing the world in black and white; instead, it involves difficulty distinguishing between certain ...

Protect Your Eyes With the 20-20-20 Rule

In today's digital world, we rely heavily on screens for work, entertainment, and communication. While these devices have revolutionized our lives, prolonged screen time can take a toll on our eyes. As an ophthalmologist, I often emphasize the importance of adopting healthy habits to protect our ...

Unlocking the Secrets to Brighter Vision: 10 Essential Tips for Healthy Eyes

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on maintaining optimal eye health! As the window to the world, our eyes play a fundamental role in our daily lives, allowing us to perceive the beauty around us and navigate through the complexities of the world. However, amidst the hustle and bustle of modern ...

7 Effective Ways to Prevent Conjunctivitis

Conjunctivitis, commonly known as pink eye, is a highly contagious condition characterized by inflammation of the conjunctiva, the thin membrane that covers the whites of the eyes. It can be caused by viruses, bacteria, allergens, or irritants. While conjunctivitis is often not serious, it can ...

Dr. Vinay Patil - Ophthalmologist
Dr. Vinay Patil Ophthalmologist (MBBS, MS - Ophthalmology, Fellowship in Anterior Segment and Intraocular Lens Microsurgery Including Phacoemulsification) 22 years experience Sankalp Nethralaya and PolyClinic
615 recommendations HSR Layout, Bangalore INR 600
Dr. Swarna T P - Ophthalmologist
Dr. Swarna T P Ophthalmologist (DO, MBBS) 12 years experience Harithasa Multispecialty Clinic and Diagnostics
37 recommendations Padmanabhanagar, Bangalore INR 500
Dr. M B Trishala - Ophthalmologist
Dr. M B Trishala Ophthalmologist (MBBS, MS - Ophthalmology) 34 years experience Manipal Hospital
23 recommendations Jayanagar 9 Block, Bangalore INR 700
Dr. Pinto Kiran - Ophthalmologist
Dr. Pinto Kiran Ophthalmologist (MBBS, MD - Ophthalmology) 13 years experience Samarth Nethralaya
17 recommendations Vijayanagar, Bangalore INR 500
Dr. Supriya Bhagat - Ophthalmologist
Dr. Supriya Bhagat Ophthalmologist (MBBS, MS - Ophthalmology, Fellowship in Phacoemulsification & Refractive Surgery) 20 years experience Nethraneel Eye Care And Lasik Center
50 recommendations Harlur, Bangalore INR 500