Global Postural Reeducation - RPG

Health Q&A
Vertigo and heavyness back side of head

3 months ago I was diagnosed with vertigo problem, doctor gave me prescription with zevrt and some more tablets, after a week again got the same spinning sensation problem. Later Im using Homeopathy medicine. Now I'm not getting any  spinning sensations , but I feel heavyness in the back side of my head some times I feel heavyness whole head ( very rare). That too Im getting this only on evenings and night time, if I had a tight sleep I feel relaxed. But while going to bed at night I can feel the heavyness again. Is it problem with the homeo medicine or something else. Please suggest me.

Doubt regarding arsenic poisioning

For last 2-3 years I used to take a ayurvedic syrup for kidney stones, I later found out it has 2.3 mg/kg arsenic in it, i took around 8-9 bottles of it, but since 20 April I have not consumed it, I have fatty liver grade 2 and my kidneys are fine just have  4.5 mm stones, I wanted to ask is there a chance of arsenic poisioning or not.

Diabetic with HBA1C 7.3

Hi sir, Can I take Giloy on daily. I am diabetic my HBA1C is 7.3 .There will be any side effects. Please let me know.

Hashimotos hypothyroidism

Mam I have hashimotos hypothyroidism with tpo antibodies > 1300...I am currently taking thyronorm 50 mg...I have a doubt...can this problem be cured by homeopathy medicines...becoz I am thinking of switching over to homeopathy, since in allopathy the values are reduced but the symptoms doesn't get improved...

I have daibetes for 1 year

I want to suggestion of homeopathic medicine my sugar level starting time is 396 fasting and 450 is post meals present time 100/130 after medicine please suggest me