Inlays and Onlays

Health Q&A
Stomach pain after stitches removal

I had removed my wisdom tooth 20 days back but due to some issues I couldnt take the stitches out so it was done yesterday but after stitches removal they had cleaned it with iodine and hydrogen peroxide and gargling from then onwards I have severe stomach this causing me this problems.what should be done next.


My kid is having toothache while chewing/ eating food... need to go for check tomorrow... in mean time during night what i can give for pain relief

Painless Bump inside left wall of mouth

I have painless bumps inside cheeks/wall of mouth on the left side. It comes and goes by itself witin 2 days. And i am facing this from last few weeks. Only one bump is coming and goes by itself. I am attaching picture. Please advise.

What toothpaste to use..?

Recently i did scaling of my teeth, i found there are two black marks in my tooth probably cavities, as it appeared very preliminary stage. What toothpaste should i use ..?? So that it doesn't expand and also it gets cured

Pain in Front teeths

Hi Doctors, From the past week I am having some sensitivity on my front three lower right teeth, and also, there is some discomfort/mild pain continuously there. Now, the pain is not at the root or gums but somewhere between the center and lower third quarter of the teeth. I am using sensodyne toothpaste, which does help in sensitivity but not completely. Can you please suggest to me what would be causing the pain and what can be done to cure it.

Health Feed
Treatment to Deep Cavities in Milk Teeth # Pulpectomy.

Pulpectomy --  A pulpectomy is a complete removal of pulp from the crown and roots. The tooth is then filled with a filling material that can be resorbed by the body. It's usually performed on baby teeth or milk teeth.Root canal treatment in baby teeth is called as a ...

Women - Hormones - Teeth & Gums: Physiological & Psychological Aspects

Can oral health be affected by hormonal changes in women?Yes, since women go through many hormonal changes during their life cycle and just like their general health, their oral health can be affected too. Young women may experience swollen, red, tender gums during ...

Understanding Cracked Tooth

 A cracked tooth can range from a minor inconvenience to a serious dental issue requiring immediate attention. Understanding the causes, symptoms, and available treatments can help you manage this condition effectively.#### Causes of Cracked Teeth1. **Physical Trauma:** Accidents, sports ...

Debunking Common Myths About Dental Care

Dental care is crucial for maintaining good oral health, yet many myths surround it. These misconceptions can lead to confusion and may even prevent people from taking proper care of their teeth and gums. In this article, we'll debunk some common myths about dental care and uncover the actual ...

Unlocking the Power of Brushing: A Path to Healthy Smiles

Brushing teeth is a mundane task often overlooked in the rush of our daily lives, yet its importance cannot be overstated. Beyond the simple act of freshening our breath, brushing our teeth is a cornerstone of oral hygiene, safeguarding against a plethora of dental issues and contributing to ...

Dr. Sumanth Shetty - Dentist
Dr. Sumanth Shetty Dentist (BDS, MDS - Paedodontics And Preventive Dentistry) 25 years experience Chisel Dental
4307 recommendations Koramangala, Bangalore INR 300
Dr. Venkatesh M J - Dentist
Dr. Venkatesh M J Dentist (BDS, MDS - Orthodontics) 29 years experience All Care Dental Centre - since 1969
35 recommendations Indiranagar, Bangalore INR 300
Dr. K.A. Mohan - Dentist
Dr. K.A. Mohan Dentist (BDS, MDS - Orthodontics) 55 years experience Dental De Care
53 recommendations Domlur, Bangalore INR 500
Dr. Jnanesha H.C - Dentist
Dr. Jnanesha H.C Dentist (BDS, MDS - Orthodontics, Invisalign Training Course, PG Diploma in Laser Dentistry) 22 years experience Excel Dental Care
457 recommendations Jayanagar 4 Block, Bangalore INR 300
Dr. Baswaraj Biradar - Dentist
Dr. Baswaraj Biradar Dentist (BDS, MDS - Prosthodontist And Crown Bridge) 27 years experience Impressions Dental Specialities
2138 recommendations Sahakaranagar, Bangalore INR 400