Jet Lag Relief

Health Q&A
Ganglion cysts

I was diagnosed with Sarcoidosis in 2019 and till now I am under medications. Recently I was having severe pain in hands and feet. So can this be related to cysts? And are these cysts occurring because of Sarcoidosis? Please help! Thank You

Rabies (dog)

Is it possible to get rabies through a sick dog sneeze even though I was vaccinated one and a half month ago with anti rabies 3 doses... The dog is sick from 2 weeks almost and is not dead yet... I don't know whether it has rabies or not but it seemed inactive for almost 15-16 days but today I saw the dog it was little active and was playing with the other dog still I am concerned... How long does a rabid dog lives... Even though I am vaccinated is it possible for me to get rabies through a sneeze and I need vaccine again.. please help me i don't know i would die of rabies or not but I will surely die from anxiety I guess... Searching for symptoms in google is even making it worse even a sneeze is making me think it is a rabies symptom now... Please answer

Head spinning

I feel like my head spinning for 2 to 3 seconds and then normal MRI report normal ecg echo reports also normal doctor said it may be vertigo what could be the exact reason??

Fever of my son

Sir my son is having fever from today morning , at 8.30 I gave him calpol 250mg 5ml but after 2hr he again shivering and fever came . I gave wet cloth on forehead and gave another dose of 7ml on 2pm. But now around 5pm he again have fever. Please advise what should I do

Difficulty in breathing due to pain

Hi. My mother complains of pain over the left side around her rib region, particularly over the 10th and 11th rib she says and she says she has difficulty breathing due to pain it is not severe but i would rate it a 6 right now out of 10 i took her to the doctor he told us to take an x-ray we did and he said everything was okay just gave some medicines for 2 month and she was fine until then but recently she's started to have the same pain she find it difficult to sleep with that area pressed too you know like in side lying, so i was wondering which doctor to consult now. I'm really worried.

Health Feed
The Ultimate Guide to a Hypertension Diet: Managing Blood Pressure Through Nutrition

Hypertension, commonly known as high blood pressure, affects millions of individuals worldwide and is a significant risk factor for cardiovascular diseases like heart attacks and strokes. While medication can play a crucial role in managing hypertension, adopting a healthy lifestyle, ...

High Uric Acid? Skip These Foods for Relief

High uric acid levels can lead to a painful condition known as gout, characterized by swelling, redness, and intense pain in the joints. While genetics and certain medical conditions play a role in predisposing individuals to high uric acid levels, diet also plays a significant role. Some ...

Viral Infections: Why Antibiotics Aren't Always the Answer

Antibiotics have long been hailed as lifesaving drugs, effectively combating bacterial infections and saving countless lives. However, when it comes to viral infections, the story takes a different turn. In recent years, the overuse and misuse of antibiotics for viral illnesses have emerged as a ...

Vaccinations for Adults

Getting vaccinated as an adult isn't just for kids—it's essential for your health too! Vaccines like the flu shot, pneumococcal vaccine (for pneumonia), and the shingles vaccine can help protect you from getting sick with diseases that can be more severe as we get ...

7 Signs Your Gut Health Needs Attention

Ensuring optimal gut health is crucial for one's general health. The gut, sometimes called the "second brain," is an important organ that helps with digestion, immunity, mood regulation, and many other things. A host of symptoms and health problems can manifest when the gut's natural defenses ...

Dr. Ashwitha R Nayak - General Physician
Dr. Ashwitha R Nayak General Physician (MBBS) 7 years experience Clinikk Health Hub
116 recommendations Kammana Halli, Bangalore INR 250
Dr. Renuka C - General Physician
Dr. Renuka C General Physician (MBBS) 5 years experience Clinikk Health Hub
38 recommendations Koramangala, Bangalore INR 250
Dr. Anil Kumar K C - General Physician
Dr. Anil Kumar K C General Physician (MBBS) 7 years experience Clinikk Health Hub
32 recommendations Banashankari 3rd Stage, Bangalore INR 250
Dr. Simran S A - Sexologist
Dr. Simran S A Sexologist (MBBS) 4 years experience Allo Sexual Health Clinic
36 recommendations HSR Layout, Bangalore
Dr. Siddhant Dubey - General Physician
Dr. Siddhant Dubey General Physician (MBBS) 5 years experience Clinikk Health Hub
33 recommendations Bannerghatta Road, Bangalore INR 250