Kora method Slimming

Health Q&A

Please suggest some good home remedies or precautions which might be helpful to people before, after or during covid symptoms.

Pranayama benificial or not

Is pranayama scientific proven? alternate nasal breathing(anulom vilom? is benificial for cardiac function?

Homeopathic Remedies

I was suffering from IBS-C but after taking Nux Vomica 30 CH for 15 days I got 70% relief... Should I continue it for a month?

Hashimotos hypothyroidism

Mam I have hashimotos hypothyroidism with tpo antibodies > 1300...I am currently taking thyronorm 50 mg...I have a doubt...can this problem be cured by homeopathy medicines...becoz I am thinking of switching over to homeopathy, since in allopathy the values are reduced but the symptoms doesn't get improved...

I have daibetes for 1 year

I want to suggestion of homeopathic medicine my sugar level starting time is 396 fasting and 450 is post meals present time 100/130 after medicine please suggest me