Health Q&A
Allergy ...

My daughter 5.5yr old gets blocked nose whenever we stay in Bangalore in home town Mangalore she will be fine there we have pet dog she didn't get blocked nose when she play with dog in Mangalore.shall we bring dog here in Bangalore dm. can she  develop pet allergy our doctor said blocked nose may be because of climate she has adenoid which was fine after taking nasal spray

Multiple fibroids

I am unmarried and I have multiple fibroids, largest is 5.5cm. My periods are regular. While I am on medicines, I would like to know what changes do I make in my lifestyle including diet. I have quite a sedentary lifestyle as I am a teacher.

Shampoo for hairfall

Please suggest a good shampoo and hairoil for hair fall..I am currently lactating and facing lots of hairfall...please suggest a good herbal shampoo and hairoil..

Anti dandruff shampoo while breastfeedin

Hello I am 3 months after delivery..I am having itchy scalp for the past couple of weeks and as well heavy hairfall... I don't want to use chemical products while lactating... please suggest me a good shampoo and hairoil for itching and hair fall as well...that's should be safe during breastfeeding... thanks

Unable to recall things

Hello, My memory is very poor; Unable to remember the names of the person with whom I met. And while talking to someone unable to recall the things at the right time.. that's why I am unable to perform well in my job etc. pls advise what is it and solution. I am doing regular workouts and following a good diet etc but still not seeing improvements.

Health Feed
Comprehensive Guide to Knee Joint Health: An Ayurvedic Perspective

Knee joint health is a crucial aspect of overall mobility and quality of life. As we age, knee problems such as osteoarthritis become increasingly common. In Ayurveda, a holistic system of medicine, knee joint issues are often categorized under “Sandhigata Vata,” specifically referred to as ...

The Vital Link Between Happiness and Health: Insights From Ayurveda

In Ayurveda, the ancient Indian system of medicine, the significance of mental well-being in maintaining overall health is paramount. It suggests that depression, characterized by feelings of sorrow and despair, is considered the primary cause of illness. Therefore, nurturing a happy and ...

Ayurvedic Management of Lumbar Spinal Canal Stenosis

Spinal canal stenosis refers to the narrowing of the spinal canal, the space in the backbone through which the spinal cord and nerves pass. This narrowing can put pressure on the spinal cord and nerves, leading to symptoms such as pain, numbness, tingling, and weakness in the back, legs, or ...

Understanding and Treating Sciatica With Ayurveda

Sciatica is a common condition characterized by symptoms such as leg pain, numbness, and tingling, rooted in the disorder of the intervertebral discs in the spine. When discs in the lower back are displaced, they can press on nerves, leading to these uncomfortable sensations and reduced leg ...

Garbhini Paricharya: A Journey Through Pregnancy Nutrition

Embarking on the miraculous journey of pregnancy brings forth the essence of garbhini paricharya, an ancient Ayurvedic concept emphasizing the holistic care of expectant mothers. Rooted in timeless wisdom from Ayurvedic scriptures, this practice encapsulates the nurturing of both mother and ...

Dr. Shree Lakshmi.N - Ayurveda
Dr. Shree Lakshmi.N Ayurveda (BAMS) 24 years experience Adyant Ayurveda
71 recommendations Jayanagar, Bangalore INR 400
Dr. Poornima Kasaragod - Ayurveda
Dr. Poornima Kasaragod Ayurveda (BAMS, PGD in Yoga Therapy) 36 years experience Healing Touch Centre For Ayurveda & Yoga
275 recommendations Banaswadi, Bangalore INR 400
Dr. Chaithralaxmi.K - Ayurveda
Dr. Chaithralaxmi.K Ayurveda (BAMS, MSc - Yoga, Yoga Instructor Course (YIC)) 16 years experience Shrirama Ayur Clinic
142 recommendations Malleswaram, Bangalore INR 300
Dr. M.B. Gayathri - Ayurveda
Dr. M.B. Gayathri Ayurveda (BAMS, MD - Ayurveda Medicine) 31 years experience Ayurcentral
157 recommendations Marathahalli, Bangalore INR 450
Dr. Geetika Thakur - Ayurveda
Dr. Geetika Thakur Ayurveda (BAMS, Yoga Instructor Course (YIC)) 16 years experience Keva Ayurveda
95 recommendations Whitefield, Bangalore INR 500