Marriage Therapy

Health Q&A
ElectroConvulsive Therapy (ECT)

Does ECT work 100% for Bipolar Depression. Does ECT work 100% for bipolar Depression. Does ECT work 100% for bipolar Depression.

ElectroConvulsive Therapy (ECT)

There was a news by BBC that ECT causes brain damage. In this case why should people with severe mental condition be treated by ECT?

Regarding medicines

I haven't taken medicines paxi cr 12.5 for 2 days is there any problem? Is there any cure for depression in the field of homeopathy

Help to overcome

Hello, I have been In a narcissistic relationship... it drained alot out of me, I am not able to come out of it... it's really getting heavy on me, I can feel I am going into depression. Please someone help me. It's really tough for me...

Arpizol or risperidone

Arpizole or risperidone for augmentation of fluoxetine. One doctor suggested risperidone while other suggested aripiprazol

Health Feed
Body Language : An Effective Way for Noticing Emotions and Feelings

Before diving deep into the world of body language , first we'll see how the concept of body language evolved. During the time of ancient era, people were basically hunters or gatherer's. There work was to hunt animals and gather seeds and fruits for the living, but sometimes they ...

Words -Thetransformational Power.

Words -The Transformational Power- .By Hemma DSouza -Counselling Psychologist- Cognitive Behaviour-Neuro-linguistic therapist , Life Coach & Mental Health writer at Hilcy Wellness .Right words are of great value to those who hear them and to those who speak them . When we ...

Parenting With Psychology: Raising Happy, Well-Adjusted Children

Parenting is often described as one of the most rewarding yet challenging experiences in life. As parents, we strive to provide the best upbringing for our children, ensuring they grow into happy, well-adjusted individuals who can navigate life's challenges with resilience and confidence. While ...

“Be Like the Nature of Water”

“Be Like the Nature of Water”By Hemma DSouza -Counselling Psychologist- Cognitive Behaviour-Neuro-linguistic therapist , Life Coach & Mental Health writer at Hilcy Wellness.A Quote from The Philosophy and Origin of Bruce Lee’s Famous Metaphor on Resilience "Empty your ...

Sleep Hygiene

Sleep is vital to an individual's overall well-being. A good night's sleep ensures that the body and mind have the opportunity to recharge and prepare for the next day. Despite the mental and physical benefits, many people overlook this aspect of life. Sleep deprivation not only affects a ...

Mr. C.R Satish Kumar - Psychologist
Mr. C.R Satish Kumar Psychologist (M.Phil - Clinical Psychology) 10 years experience Manipal Hospitals Old Airport Road
17 recommendations Old Airport Road, Bangalore INR 2000
Dr. Prashanthi K. - Psychologist
Dr. Prashanthi K. Psychologist (BHMS, PGDPC (Post Graduation Diploma In Psychological Counselling)) 16 years experience Dwarakamayi Psychological Counselling Center
149 recommendations Varthur, Bangalore INR 1499
Ms. Ayana Sunil Variar - Psychologist
Ms. Ayana Sunil Variar Psychologist (M.Phil - Clinical Psychology, BSc - Psychology, MSc - Clinical Psychology) 8 years experience Mindful TMS Neurocare
7 recommendations Whitefield, Bangalore INR 1500
Ms. Sradha P - Psychologist
Ms. Sradha P Psychologist (M.Phil - Clinical Psychology, MSc - Clinical Psychology, BSc - Psychology) 6 years experience Mindful TMS Neurocare
9 recommendations Sahakaranagar, Bangalore INR 1500
Ms. Sheetal N Chauhan - Psychologist
Ms. Sheetal N Chauhan Psychologist (M.Phil - Clinical Psychology, MSc - Counselling Psychology) 8 years experience Mindwellness Counselling And Psychotherapy Clinic
21 recommendations Jayanagar 9 Block, Bangalore INR 1500