Health Q&A
Left side stomach pain...

Hlo Dr, I am having left side stomach pain.. And also stomach is paining after pooping also and feeling like I need to poop again...what is the reason of this... Plz this because of gas...

Medicine change

Was taking amoxicillion +cluvac acid tablet for sore throat for 2 days and then taken safly on 3rd day what should i do now,as throat not better yet?

Heavy head & cold with fever feel

From last 2 days I am having cold with cough and my throat is paining too with difficulty in swallowing food I am feeling heavy head and fever like feel too

Bp medicine

Hi, My mother recently got bp checked which she got 160/90..the doctor advised to take Amlosafe AT..i needed to ask what is the total power of this medicine...And is this medicine suitable for the present condition??

High fever with back pain

My wife has high fever 104 that comes and goes with neck and  back pain . No typhoid , malaria and dengue detected as per medical test . Her ESR is very high 31 and CRP is also very high 16. Please help . This is Happening for 4 days but no improvement after taking paracetamol and other antibiotics... Please help .

Health Feed
​​​​​​​​​​​​Allurion Weight Loss Balloon

No Endoscopy - No Anaesthesia - No Surgery. Outpatient BalloonThe Allurion Balloon is revolutionising the way that people approach weight loss. By combining the power of gastric balloon technology with the convenience and safety of a swallowable capsule, the Allurion Balloon offers an ...

Lateral Internal Sphincterotomy

What is Lateral Internal sphincterotomy?Lateral internal sphincterotomy is a surgery for treating an anal fissure, i.e., a tear in the anus opening causing pain, itching, and bleeding. It aids in relieving pain arising due to spasms by reducing pressure inside the anus and increasing blood ...

Faq About Wilson Disease

Most Commonly Asked QuestionsWhich doctor should I see?You should first see your primary care physician, who will refer you to a gastroenterologist or hepatologist if necessary.What are the ramifications of copper overload on the brain?Wilson’s disease causes copper to ...

Phimosis (Zsr Circumscion) - the Way Ahead

PHIMOSISZSR CIRCUMSCION - The way aheadWhich Is Better ? Conventional Circumcision / ZSR CircumcisionIn Circumcision the skin that covers the tip of the penis is removed. For newborn males in India, the procedure is quite frequent. ZSR Circumcision is ...

Laser Proctology

What is Laser Proctology? The field of proctology is concerned with diseases of the colon, rectum and anal canal. The use of lasers as a surgical tool to treat the diseases related to the colorectal area is known as Laser Proctology. How does it work? Laser (Light ...

Dr. Nanda Rajaneesh - Laparoscopic Surgeon
Dr. Nanda Rajaneesh Laparoscopic Surgeon (MBBS, MS - General Surgery, Fellowship of Association of Colon & Rectal Surgeons of India(FACRSI), Training in Surgical Oncology (G.I. Oncology)) 29 years experience Apollo Spectra Hospitals
193 recommendations Koramangala 5 Block, Bangalore INR 800
Dr. Rajasekhar - General Surgeon
Dr. Rajasekhar General Surgeon (MS - General Surgery, MBBS) 44 years experience Chirag Hospital
653 recommendations JP Nagar 2 Phase, Bangalore INR 1300
Dr. Manas Ranjan Tripathy - Laparoscopic Surgeon
Dr. Manas Ranjan Tripathy Laparoscopic Surgeon (MBBS, MS - General Surgery, FIAGES - Minimal Access Surgery) 19 years experience Apollo Spectra Hospitals
183 recommendations Koramangala 5 Block, Bangalore INR 700
Dr. Shabeer Ahmed - Laparoscopic Surgeon
Dr. Shabeer Ahmed Laparoscopic Surgeon (MBBS, MS - General Surgery) 38 years experience Q-Medical Centre
76 recommendations Sivanchetti Gardens, Bangalore INR 600
Dr. Raghunandan K S - General Surgeon
Dr. Raghunandan K S General Surgeon (MBBS, FRCS - General Surgery, Doctor of Medicine (Research)) 22 years experience Aveksha Hospital
34 recommendations Vidyaranyapura, Bangalore INR 500