Therapeutic diets

Health Q&A
No Energy in Body/Tired and Dizzy

Hello team got my tests done my iron -22,VitD,B12,WBC almost everything is super low.Taking the supplements but nothing is helping plus feeling anxious,dizzy and very hard to get up from the bed.Please suggest how to make a difference so that atleast getting up from bed is not a task and I am able to sleep(on-off pattern) and get free from this anxiousness that surrounds me all the time. I feel like I will faint.Even of I get up within a hour I am back on my bed.Please suggest something.

I want to gain weight

Please suggest what to do for gain my weight Since 15 years my weight is 52 to 55 kg I m not looks healthy Please support

20 days post delivery n no milk

Pls suggest me smthn for milk supply m worried's 20 days since I delivered n m not lactating baby is on formula and is constipated coz of it...I want to breastfeed pls help

Curd for 10 month baby

Hello all, Will giving curd to baby cause constipation? My 10 month old likes to eat curd rice in noon and I am giving other fibers also in morning and night but she is constipated recently

Low BMI and body weight

Currently I'm 49-50 kgs in weight, which is too low compared to my height and age. Struggling to gain weight and mass. Can you please guide me through this.

Health Feed
Is It Safe to Eat Mango if You Have Diabetes? Share Dietician Avni Kaul

Can you think of summer without mangoes? It’s nearly impossible! Mangoes and summer seem inseparable. Whether relishing them fresh, blending them into smoothies, or crafting delightful desserts, mangoes are a quintessential summer delight for countless individuals. However, their sweetness ...

8 Tips to Get Rid of Obesity

Obesity is a health condition which results when a person is taking in more calories than burned by Exercise and other Physical activities.It leads to Excess accumulation of fat in the body, that Increases the risk of other metabolic health problems. An individual is called obese is when ...

Amazing Indian Foods to Lower Your Blood Pressure Level Naturally

In today’s fast-paced world, relentless stress, poor dietary choices, and sedentary lifestyles contribute to soaring blood pressure levels. Multitasking and constant rushing leave little time for self-care, amplifying the risk of hypertension. The resulting imbalance challenges cardiovascular ...

Foods That Can Provide Relief in Irritable Bowel Syndrome (Ibs)

Living with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) can present daily challenges, affecting everything from your work to your social life. The discomfort of symptoms like cramping, diarrhoea, gas, and bloating can be overwhelming. However, understanding the role of diet in managing IBS can offer a ray of ...

Myths and Facts About Knee Replacement Surgery

KNEE REPLACEMENT:Knee replacement surgery replaces the part of injured or worn out knee joints. The surgery helps to ease the pain caused by arthritis and make the knees work better. During the surgery, damaged bone and cartilage are replaced with the artificial parts made of metal and ...

Dr. Akhila Joshi - Yoga and Naturopathy
Dr. Akhila Joshi Yoga and Naturopathy (BNYS, MSc - Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics) 15 years experience Akhilasoukhya-Weight Loss and Lifestyle Management
524 recommendations Kaggadasapura, Bangalore INR 500
Ms. Silky Mahajan - Dietitian/Nutritionist
Ms. Silky Mahajan Dietitian/Nutritionist (B.Sc. - Home Science (Food & Nutrition), M.Sc. - Home Science (Food & Nutrition), Certified Specialist in Sports Nutrition) 16 years experience Foods & Nutrition Clinic
329 recommendations Koramangala 3 Block, Bangalore INR 1770
Ms. Vinny Joglekar - Dietitian/Nutritionist
Ms. Vinny Joglekar Dietitian/Nutritionist (MSc - Nutrition and Dietetics, B.Sc. - Home Science (Food & Nutrition)) 43 years experience Health & Diet Clinic
286 recommendations Old Airport Road, Bangalore INR 1000
Ms. Sonal Sureka - Dietitian/Nutritionist
Ms. Sonal Sureka Dietitian/Nutritionist (M.Sc- Dietetics and Applied Nutrition, BSc. - Home Science (Food Science and Nutrition)) 9 years experience Nutridiction
52 recommendations Ashoknagar, Bangalore INR 1500
Dr. Sharmila Shankar - Ayurveda
Dr. Sharmila Shankar Ayurveda (BAMS, Diploma in Clinical Nutrition, M. SC in YOGA) 24 years experience Ayushya Ayurcare Clinic
115 recommendations Malleswaram, Bangalore INR 1000