Tooth Impaction Surgery

Health Q&A
White patch inside mouth

I have noticed a white patch inside my mouth. It's not hurting and neither bothering me. I just doing gargle when i saw this. What is it? I'm attaching photo.

Small extra skin in between dental bridg

Today I found small extra skin in between dental bridge at lower right . It is soft and slightly movable ( when try to move by tongue) no pain and inflammation. I also attach picture. What is this? What to do next? Is it normal?

Is cap mandatory after root canal treatm

I completed root canal in upper molor tooth. Is it necessary to go for cap. Is there anynother alternative ti cap. If cap is the best way which cap is good. Metal+seramic or full ceramic (zirconia). Experts kindly advice.

Post filling sensitivity

Sharp Tooth sensitivity on the upper molar for almost 2 months( while chewing hard to semi hard foods on that composite filled area, mild sensitivity to cold or hot foods even water that lingers for 3-4 secs). Sensitivity lasts for a few seconds only and often adjacent tooth also gets sensitive with it. I went to the dentist and had my bite adjusted still no improvement and I am currently taking neurobian forte for 20 days. The cavity was not that deep as it was diagnosed clinically and not detected in my xray. What should be my next steps? Is it serious? Or will it resolve on its own?

Root Canal treatment

I am having pain on the right side of the teeths. I had root canal treatment done in 2013. It's been 11 years now. What could be the reasons?

Health Feed
Treatment to Deep Cavities in Milk Teeth # Pulpectomy.

Pulpectomy --  A pulpectomy is a complete removal of pulp from the crown and roots. The tooth is then filled with a filling material that can be resorbed by the body. It's usually performed on baby teeth or milk teeth.Root canal treatment in baby teeth is called as a ...

Best Artificial Teeth for Diabetic

You have diabetes and no teeth (one or more teeth loss), then you might be looking for teeth replacement options. Being diabetic or non-diabetic Golden rule is “maintain oral hygiene”.  We suggest to replace lost natural teeth with artificial, if patient is having random blood sugar ...

The Hidden Dangers of Roadside Dentistry: What You Need to Know

In many parts of the world, including some areas in India, roadside dentistry remains a common sight. These makeshift clinics, often set up on sidewalks or in crowded markets, offer quick and cheap dental treatments. While it might seem convenient and cost-effective, there are significant ...

Mouth Ulcers: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments

Mouth ulcers, also known as canker sores, are small, painful sores that can develop inside the mouth. They can affect your ability to eat, drink, and speak comfortably. Let's explore the causes, symptoms, and treatments for these common but annoying sores.What Are Mouth ...

Understanding Halitosis: 5 Common Causes of Bad Breath

Bad breath, medically known as halitosis, is a common issue that affects many people. While it can be embarrassing, understanding the underlying causes can help in effectively addressing it. Here are five common reasons why you may be experiencing bad breath.1. Poor Oral HygienePromoted ...

Dr. Sumanth Shetty - Dentist
Dr. Sumanth Shetty Dentist (BDS, MDS - Paedodontics And Preventive Dentistry) 25 years experience Chisel Dental
4307 recommendations Koramangala, Bangalore INR 300
Dr. Venkatesh M J - Dentist
Dr. Venkatesh M J Dentist (BDS, MDS - Orthodontics) 29 years experience All Care Dental Centre - since 1969
35 recommendations Indiranagar, Bangalore INR 300
Dr. M J Murali - Dentist
Dr. M J Murali Dentist (MDS - Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics, BDS) 27 years experience All Care Dental Centre - since 1969
184 recommendations Indiranagar, Bangalore INR 300
Dr. K.A. Mohan - Dentist
Dr. K.A. Mohan Dentist (BDS, MDS - Orthodontics) 55 years experience Dental De Care
53 recommendations Domlur, Bangalore INR 500
Dr. T. Ramakrishna - Dentist
Dr. T. Ramakrishna Dentist (BDS, MDS - Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, Implant Externship Program) 26 years experience Dental Profiles Clinic
739 recommendations JP Nagar 7 Phase, Bangalore INR 500