Health Q&A
Himalaya Abana for Cholesterol

I have started abana for high cholestrol and triglycerdies(Genetically) along with exercise and diet. I am taking 2 in morning 1 in evening. Is it fine? For how many months shall i take and checkup again?

Related to Hibiscus tea

Sir / madam Can anybody drink hibiscus tea?? Which hibiscus tea is good? i mean suggest me any good ayur herbal hibiscus tea brand??

Shampoo for hairfall

Please suggest a good shampoo and hairoil for hair fall..I am currently lactating and facing lots of hairfall...please suggest a good herbal shampoo and hairoil..

Bloating and indigestion

Hello, I have bloating and indigestion so can I take triphala powder? When to take it? And how much?

Genital herpies

Hi doctor, I was taking herpes homoeopathy treatment for 6 onths. Is  there a cure for herpes in Ayurvedic medicine? If so, how much time does it take? What are the steps? 

Health Feed
Nourishing the Mind: Ayurvedic Wisdom on Foods and Meal Practices for Brain Health

In the bustling chaos of modern life, our minds often bear the brunt of stress, multitasking, and sensory overload. Just as we nourish our bodies, it’s crucial to tend to the health of our brains, which serve as the command center for our entire being. Ayurveda, the ancient Indian system of ...

Understanding and Treating Sciatica With Ayurveda

Sciatica is a common condition characterized by symptoms such as leg pain, numbness, and tingling, rooted in the disorder of the intervertebral discs in the spine. When discs in the lower back are displaced, they can press on nerves, leading to these uncomfortable sensations and reduced leg ...

The Disadvantages of High Sugar Consumption: A Perspective From Modern Science and Ayurved

Understanding the Role of the Sweet Taste:In the ancient tradition of Ayurveda, the taste is not merely a sensory experience but a fundamental aspect of health and well-being. Among the six recognized tastes, the sweet taste stands out for its nourishing qualities, attributed to a harmonious ...

5 Natural Home Remedies for Oily Skin Care

Introduction:Oily skin can be a hassle to deal with, leading to unwanted shine, clogged pores, and acne breakouts. While there are numerous skincare products available in the market, natural remedies offer gentle and effective solutions without harsh chemicals. Here are five natural home ...

7 Best Exercises From Your Office to Get Rid of Back Pain

Introduction:For many of us, spending long hours seated at a desk in front of a computer is a regular part of our workday. Unfortunately, this sedentary lifestyle often leads to back pain and discomfort. However, incorporating simple exercises into your office routine can help alleviate ...

Dr. Shree Lakshmi.N - Ayurveda
Dr. Shree Lakshmi.N Ayurveda (BAMS) 24 years experience Adyant Ayurveda
71 recommendations Jayanagar, Bangalore INR 400
Dr. Poornima Kasaragod - Ayurveda
Dr. Poornima Kasaragod Ayurveda (BAMS, PGD in Yoga Therapy) 36 years experience Healing Touch Centre For Ayurveda & Yoga
275 recommendations Banaswadi, Bangalore INR 400
Dr. Chaithralaxmi.K - Ayurveda
Dr. Chaithralaxmi.K Ayurveda (BAMS, MSc - Yoga, Yoga Instructor Course (YIC)) 16 years experience Shrirama Ayur Clinic
142 recommendations Malleswaram, Bangalore INR 300
Dr. M.B. Gayathri - Ayurveda
Dr. M.B. Gayathri Ayurveda (BAMS, MD - Ayurveda Medicine) 31 years experience Ayurcentral
157 recommendations Marathahalli, Bangalore INR 450
Dr. Geetika Thakur - Ayurveda
Dr. Geetika Thakur Ayurveda (BAMS, Yoga Instructor Course (YIC)) 16 years experience Keva Ayurveda
95 recommendations Whitefield, Bangalore INR 500