Zepto Pulse Cataract Surgery

Health Q&A
High bp headache

Can bp of 140/90 cause headaches? I am getting minor headaches and uneasiness and hot flash. I thought it is due to bp but when I checked on machine, then BP is borderline high - 140/90,130/80 which I believe, cannot lead to headaches Please suggest me

One left eye lazy

I have lazy eye in my left eye. So which glasses can I wear so that it does not affect my other eye too much? .please reply dr

Eyesight improvement

Hii doctor I recently qualified written of State Government Police Exams My right eyes numbers are 6/6 while Left eye is -4.5 × 165.. I want to ask is any type of surgical improvement is possible for my left eye so that I can clear physical  Medical test of the exam

Anesthesthric spray fall on eyes

My wife undergoes a laryngoscopy procedure yesterday but by mistake while putting spray on mouth, few drops fall in her eyes, after that burning sensation happened immediately she washed her eyes and now there is no redness, no burning now but her eyes seems to be somewhat swollen. What drops she should take pls tell

Does Swimming cause floaters?

I am hyper myopic and have currently distance and near vision in both eyes. 15years back I got clear lens surgery and my vision was corrected back then. After some time I got both positive and negative number in both eyes. Question: Is this ok to swim in chlorine treated water as sometime back when I went inside the water, I got small floaters in both of my eyes which got cleared after a course of eye drops.

Health Feed
Understanding Glaucoma: 4 Essential Facts

As your trusted ophthalmologist, it's crucial to equip you with essential knowledge about eye health. Today, let's delve into the complex condition known as glaucoma. Understanding these four key facts can help you navigate this condition more confidently:1. Glaucoma is Sneaky, Yet ...

3 Symptoms of Diabetic Eye That You Must Know

In a world where chronic diseases like diabetes are increasingly prevalent, it's crucial to understand their widespread impact on various aspects of health – an aspect often overlooked is eye health. Diabetes, known primarily for its effects on blood sugar levels and insulin resistance, also ...

Unlocking Clarity: The Transformative Benefits of Cataract Surgery

In the journey of preserving vision, cataracts stand as a common adversary, clouding the lens of the eye and obstructing the passage of light. However, amidst this challenge lies a beacon of hope: cataract surgery. Far from just a medical procedure, it is a transformative experience that unlocks ...

3 Easy Tips to Reduce the Redness of the Eyes

Are you tired of dealing with red, irritated eyes? As an ophthalmologist, I understand how frustrating and uncomfortable it can be to constantly battle redness. Fortunately, there are simple steps you can take to alleviate this common issue. Here are three easy tips to help reduce the redness in ...

7 Effective Ways to Prevent Conjunctivitis

Conjunctivitis, commonly known as pink eye, is a highly contagious condition characterized by inflammation of the conjunctiva, the thin membrane that covers the whites of the eyes. It can be caused by viruses, bacteria, allergens, or irritants. While conjunctivitis is often not serious, it can ...

Dr. M B Trishala - Ophthalmologist
Dr. M B Trishala Ophthalmologist (MBBS, MS - Ophthalmology) 34 years experience Manipal Hospital
23 recommendations Jayanagar 9 Block, Bangalore INR 700
Dr. Shalini Shetty - Ophthalmologist
Dr. Shalini Shetty Ophthalmologist (MBBS, MS - Ophthalmology) 31 years experience Apollo Hospital
85 recommendations Bannerghatta Road, Bangalore INR 950
Dr. Rinku Das - Ophthalmologist
Dr. Rinku Das Ophthalmologist (MBBS, MS - Ophthalmology, Fellowship in IOL & Microsurgery, Fellowship in Glaucoma) 24 years experience My Vision Eye Clinic
444 recommendations Sarjapur Road, Bangalore INR 700
Dr. Sanghamitra Burman - Ophthalmologist
Dr. Sanghamitra Burman Ophthalmologist (MBBS, MD - Ophthalmology, FICO, DNB - Ophthalmology, FRCS - Ophthalmology) 25 years experience SightYears Eye Clinic
1512 recommendations Indiranagar, Bangalore INR 800
Dr. Vinay Patil - Ophthalmologist
Dr. Vinay Patil Ophthalmologist (MBBS, MS - Ophthalmology, Fellowship in Anterior Segment and Intraocular Lens Microsurgery Including Phacoemulsification) 22 years experience Sankalp Nethralaya and PolyClinic
615 recommendations HSR Layout, Bangalore INR 600