1. Eat a well-balanced vegetarian diet that provides approximately 500 calories per day more than you need in combination with an intense strength or resistance training program.
  2. Ensure adequate protein intake. Intake beyond this, however, will not promote muscle growth.
  3. Increase energy intake by selecting larger portion sizes of healthy foods or by adding one or two 250-calorie snacks to your current eating regimen.
  4. Spread food intake throughout the day and don’t skip meals. Eating three meals a day plus two to four snacks is typically needed.
  5. Consume a high-carbohydrate, protein-containing snack or liquid meal 20 to 30 minutes after exercise.
  6. Sneak in additional calories by consuming liquids, including smoothies, shakes,and fruit juice. Grape and cranberry juice typically have more calories per cup than other juices.
  7. Add healthy fats to your diet by snacking on peanuts, nuts, and seeds. Dipping bread in olive oil; spreading peanut butter, other nut butters, or no-trans-fat margarine on crackers, toast or bagels; and adding avocado slices to salads and sandwiches or as a topping on crackers are all great options.
  8. Keep bulky low-calorie foods such as whole-grain cereal, salads, and soup to a minimum. They are too filling in relation to the calories they provide.
  9. Do not go overboard. Consuming more than 1,000 calories per day in excess of your normal required intake will lead to fat deposition.
  10. Strength train, strength train, strength train.
  11. Remember that muscle can only be gained through intense strength or resistance training several times a week, coupled with the consumption of additional calories.

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