12 EASY Aquatic Exercises
Aquatic Exercises
• Strengthening–Using hydrostatic pressure, buoyancy & turbulence to increase resistance & thereby increase strength
• Stretching–Using hydrostatic pressure & buoyancy to improve static hold stretches with increased temperature for muscle relaxation
• Cardiovascular endurance–Using hydrostatic pressure & turbulence to improve diaphragmatic breathing and cardiovascular endurance
• Neuromuscular coordination Using hydrostatic pressure to improve proprioception with dynamic movements, which improves motor planning & output coordination
Active strengthening
1. Upper Extremity Strengthening
Begin with 10-20 repsx 1 set; progress to 20-30 reps x 2-3 sets
2. Lower Extremity Strengthening
Begin with 10-20 repsx 1 set; progress to 20-30 reps x 2-3 sets
3. Trunk Strengthening
Begin with 2-3 min.duration; progress to 15 min. duration Passive strengtheninge.g. Bad Ragaz therapy (buoyancy supported)
4. Upper Extremity Strengthening
- Arm Circles
- Shoulder depressions
- Shoulder retractions Pool side push-ups
5. Lower Extremity Strengthening
- Leg circles
6. Kicking
- Seated outside of the pool
- Seated on the pool step
- On kickboard
- Side-stepping
- Jumping forward (1 leg or both)
- Stepping up/down pool steps
- Jumping jacks
7. Trunk Strengthening
- Diving underwater for rings
- Balancing on kick board
- Straddle sit on a swim noodle
- Plank + kick on the pool step
- Abdominal twists
8. Stretching
- Active stretching
- Begin with 10-30”hold x 1-3x
- Progress to 30” holdx 3
- Upper extremity
- Lower extremity
- Passive stretching
- Partner performs passive range of motion (PROM) or proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNF)
- Best performed by a Physiotherapist
9. Upper extremity Stretching
- Chest/biceps stretch
- Clasp hands behind back or grab handrails / poolside if unable to reach behind back
- Triceps/shoulder stretch Use swim noodle
10. Lower Extremity Stretching
- Calf stretch
- Hamstring stretch
- Place heel on the pool step
11. Cardiovascular endurance
- Treading water
- Begin with 10-30”trials x 3
- Progress to 1-2 min.trials x 2-3
- Walking in chest-waist deep water
- Begin with 2-3 min.trials x 3
- Progress to 5-10 min.trials x 2-3
- Progress to 20-30 min. x 1 Aqua jogging (use Flotation Belt)
12. Neuromuscular coordination
Exercises that improve the brain-body connection with coordinated movement!
- Shooting basketball
- Stepping up/down the pool step
- Side-stepping
- Walking backwards
- Dribbling the weighted soccer ball
- To improve balance
- Karate kicks on one leg
- Making “waves”
- Creating turbulence while maintaining sitting or standing