Prevention is not just better than cure, its cheaper too. Prevention maintains healthy organs and increases chronological age by decreasing physiological age. Stay young with a healthy heart just by keeping these 5 tips in mind:
The magical tips are:
1. Take sound sleep daily: Sleep is the most ignored daily need of a human being. Our body need sleep to stay healthy and rejuvenate for the next long day. Sound sleep keeps you stress free and maintains a hormonal cycle in body. It will help you to maintain healthy organs too.
2. Eat on time: Food is not just calories, it is fuel for your body. Nutrition is vital to keep the organs healthy . Cardiac problems are preventable and can be reversed with good lifestyle and good eating habits. Eating on time is like feeling body with fuel on time.
3. Eat Healthy: Eating recommended diet daily keeps heart and other body organs healthy. Include dry fruits and seeds for good fat, regular intake of fruits and vegetables with recommended protein and carbs will keep energy and endurance high.
4. Find out your workout and adopt as a daily habit: Workout is a must to keep the body organs active and healthy, and heart is the powerhouse of this body. This is the organ make sure other body parts get good blood supply and its working is highly associated with physical activity you do. Walking, Running, Cycling, Zumba, etc are forms of cardio workout. Adopt any one to prevent cardiac diseases.
5. Avoid Alcohol and smoking: Smoking and Alcohol are the one of those major causes which not just deteriorate your mental ability also cause slow organ death. Smoking proved to be one of the major cause of atherosclerosis.
Cardiac disorders are more of lifestyle disorders then real diseases. Change your lifestyle to live fit. Consult to know your customised workout and diet. Physiotherapist can help pre and post cardiac surgery patients for rehabilitation.