1. When should a Child seek Orthodontic treatment?
It is a very common question among people as to when a child should visit an Orthodontist to correct the problems associated with occlusion. It is said that even many of the Dental practitioners are not aware of it. Hence, they often give a vague answer that a child may be taken to an Orthodontist after 12 years of age, i.e., after the eruption of all the permanent teeth.
But, in fact, this is not correct. The first visit of a child to an Orthodontist should be at the age of 6 or 7; when the permanent teeth start erupting in the oral cavity. This will help a Dentist recognize and correct malocclusion in a child.
2. Can Adults seek Orthodontic treatment?
There is a myth that only kids and teenagers can get their teeth corrected. In fact, there is no age limit foe Orthodontic treatment. But, when the gums tissues are not healthy while undergoing Orthodontic treatment, it can result in bone loss, declining the long-term success of the treatment. hence, Gum Disease should be brought under control prior to Orthodontic treatment. Adult Orthodontics has come up with latest developments, facilitating excellent treatment outcomes. Therefore, you are never too old for smile therapy.
3. Are Braces the only option for Orthodontic correction?
Metal Braces, a traditional device, where the only option for Orthodontic correction in the past. The advent of the latest devices in the field of Orthodontics has changed the scenario. Many new types of Braces like Ceramic / Composite Brackets have been introduced. They are tooth-colored and hence, they will not give a metallic look. Damon Braces are also now available, which are recommended for patients who want to do Orthodontic treatment at a faster pace. They are available both in metal and ceramic.
There are also Clear Aligners that are being recommended for patients who do not like to were Braces for tooth straightening. Dent Care Clear Aligners, a series of clear, removable, translucent splints that fit perfectly over the teeth, are the best alternative to patients who want to straighten their teeth without other people ever realizing that they are undergoing Orthodontic treatment.
4. Why should one get Orthodontic treatment done?
Orthodontic treatment is primarily done for aesthetics. Besides improving your smile, this treatment helps to enhance the stability and function of the oral structures, which in turn, improves your oral health. A misaligned tooth will have more deposition of debris and calculus which, in due course, can cause Gum Disease, gradually leading to loosening of the teeth and eventually to tooth loss. Orthodontic treatment will not only give you a perfect smile but also improve your oral health.
5. Can one eat normal food while wearing Dental Braces?
Yes, one can have normal food while undergoing Orthodontic treatment, with slight adjustments to one's eating habits. It is better to cut vegetables and fruits into pieces before eating. There is no inhibition in ingesting hot or cold food items.
6. Can one play sports or musical instruments with Dental Braces
Yes, of course, one can engage in sporting activities, except that during contact sports like boxing, football, and wrestling one should wear a custom - made Mouthguard. There is no problem with playing musical instruments and singing songs. Musicians and singers can play musical instruments / sing songs while wearing Dental Braces.