One of the surgeries done by the doctor.
Adenoid removal is a type of surgery to take out the adenoid glands. The adenoid glands sit behind our nose above the roof of our mouth. ... The adenoids are often taken out at the same time as the tonsils (tonsillectomy). Adenoid removal is also called adenoidectomy. Kindly go through the video to get the clarifications done.
The child shall be given a general anesthesia before surgery. This means that the child will be asleep and unable to feel the pain.
During surgery:The surgeon places a small tool into the child's mouth to keep the mouth open.The surgeon removes the adenoid glands using a spoon-shaped tool (curette). Or another tool that helps cut away soft tissue is used.Some surgeons use electricity to heat the tissue, remove it, and stop bleeding. This is called electrocautery. Another method used is radio-frequency (RF) energy to do a similar thing. This is called coblation. A cutting tool called a debrider can also be used to remove the adenoid tissue.Absorbent material called packing material may also be used to control bleeding.Your child will stay in the recovery room after surgery. You will be allowed to take your child home when your child is awake and can breathe easily, cough, and swallow. In most cases, this will be a few hours after surgery.