Advanced Homeopathy in kidney stones
The occurrence of kidney stone is one of the most common of all kidney problems. Kidney stones are also one of the most painful of all the health problems.
Kidney stones are solid, rock-like materials that form from the mineral substance contained in the urine. Most kidney stones consist of calcium combined with either oxalate or phosphate. Kidney stones can grow to a size that would require surgery to remove. Some large kidney stones cant be removed due to the age of the patient and the danger of the associated trauma to a vital organ. The size of a kidney stone can vary widely from the size of a grain of sand to a golf ball.
Signs and Symptoms
The acute attack includes sudden extreme pain in the lower back, side, or groin, blood in urine; fever with chills; vomiting; a bad odour or cloudy appearance to the urine; and a burning sensation during urination.
Role of advance homoeopathy in the treatment of kidney stones
Advanced homoeopathy is the best possible option to treat kidney stones in the fastest and easiest way. With this treatment, one can avoid the risks associated with surgery. Surgery is not a permanent solution for kidney stones. Since some people have a tendency to form kidney stones; they come back even after surgery. We have seen very good results where the patient can get rid of the stones effectively. Our aim in such cases is:
- In case of severe pain, firstly arrest the pain.
- Dissolve the stones with our medicines and arrest the progress of further stone formation and kidney damage.
- To remove the tendency of a further stone formation.
Homoeopathic Medicines
- Lycopodium: Painful urination, gravel. Renal colic (right side affection). Pains along the urethra to the bladder.
- Berberis: Sharp pains in the kidneys, growing worse on pressure. Pains in the sacral region, coming from kidneys, the patient cannot move, leans to the right in order to lessen the pain. Glairy, reddish urine.
- Acid nitric: Calculi in the urine due to oxalic acid, and when oxalic acid is the main ingredient of the calculi
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