Black pepper is called Marich in sanskrit which is the synonym of sun, as pepper is hot, piercing like sun, that's where it gets the name from and another meaning of Marich is which kills ( worms).It is one of the most widely used spice in whole world, so rightly known as king of spices.
It is used in many ayurvedic formultion not only for its health benefits but for its one more very important property of transporting active ingredients of other herbs to the target organ.
Ayurvedic properties of kalimirch
* It is katu ( pungent) in taste.
* It is laghu( light to digest), teekshna( piercing) .
*katu in vipaka
* It balance kapha and vata dosha in body. It increases pitta dosha if taken in large amount.
* It is hot in potency but not very hot.
Black Pepper or Marich benefits
*Improves flavour of food, increases appetite and improves digestion
* It relieves bloating and abdominal pain.
* It is extremely useful in respiratory disorders like cough,cold, asthma, congestion and sinusitis.
*Good for heart and kidney.
*Protects liver and improves its function.
*Increases sweating so it helps in toxin removal.
*Used in recurrent fever.
*In obesity treatment black pepper is widely used as it blocks fat cell formation, improve metabolism and stimulate various organs.
*It is anti bacterial,anti fungal, anti tumor and anti-inflammatory in nature. * In depression it is used along with other herbs.
*It is used in management of hyperthyroidism.
* Pepper helps in inducing periods in amenorrhea patients.
* It should be used by new mother's as it protect them from infection, cough, cold and other vattic disorders.
*It's paste improves blood circulation when applied locally.
*It's oil used in leucoderma, eczema, itching and other skin problems.
How to use Black Pepper or Marich?
Can have directly by mixing its powder in honey or gheeAdd it in soup, fruit juices, salad and in sabji.
* Better to buy whole black pepper and crush them before use.
Who should avoid black pepper?
*People with acidity, burning sensation should use it carefully. *Men with infertility issue should avoid it. *Use in moderation in pregnancy, lactation and in children.