Ayurvedic Line of Treatment:
- To Stop Causes
- To Treat the imbalance of Vata Dosha
- To break pathology of Osteoporosis
- To increase life span of bone tissue
- If Osteoporosis is along with fracture, first aim is to heal fractures
Internal Medicine:
- We use some specific herbal medicine in the form of dried powder, tablet or capsules which enhances calcium absorption
- We enhance the property of stickiness of bone tissue
- We increase life span of bone tissues
Body Detoxification:
- To balance all Doshas and Dhatus, we use Panchakarma therapy which is known as detoxification therapy.
- Some therapies like Basti (Enema) are used for cleansing purposes
Other Treatment Therapies : – Abhyanga: Oleation therapy (Body massage & steam) – It Prevents ageing – Removes stress – Nourishes body – Prevents dehydration of skin – Yoga – Diet
According to Ayurveda, milk is a good source of calcium, but its ingestion and absorption depends on each individual. So we add some medicine like zinger with milk.