Many people experience pain after a tooth is removed. Your dentist may recommend tooth extraction to ease the pain and trauma caused by a broken or infected tooth. Tooth extraction is considered to solve all problems, including pain, swelling, irritation, and chewing difficulties. However, extraction can often cause pain that you will not be able to manage once the procedure is over. 

What happens if you feel worse?

It is important to understand why you feel a little bit of pain after tooth extraction. This will help you realize why you need to immediately consult with Dr. Sachin Mittal's Advanced Dentistry to have it completely treated. The main causes of pain following tooth extraction are: 

  • Infection
  • Dry socket
  • Osteonecrosis
  • Sinus perforation 

Infection signs

Sometimes, after a tooth is extracted, some infections cause continual bleeding, fever, and severe pain. If you have a pus-infected tooth, your dentist will recommend that you take an antibiotic before the extraction and continue it throughout the process to prevent infection and pain.

Dry sockets - Don't lose the clot

This is one reason why you may feel pain at the extraction site. The gum will ooze some blood into the socket. This blood clots, causing pain. The nerve endings in the socket can be exposed if the lump is accidentally removed by food or drink. This causes pain and discomfort, as well as more discomfort. To get your gum tissue healed successfully, visit your Dentist in Hisar Haryana.

Sinus cavities are getting involved.

The sinus can burst if the thin membrane that connects the sinus cavities to your upper molars is damaged during extraction.

Necrosis (dying bone)

This is a complicated problem which sometimes happens in cancer patients. This pain is caused by exposing the jawbone and causing it not to heal. Should consult with your Best dentist in Haryana if you notice that the gums are not healing properly and still have pain after eight weeks.