Cervical Spondylitis is degenerative changes in intervertebral discs with osteophytes formation and involvement of soft tissue, It is a common age-related condition that affects the joints and discs in your cervical spine, It develops from the wear and tear of cartilage and bones. 


1. bone spur

2. herniated discs

3. injury

4. ligament stiffness

5. work-related activities that put extra strain on your neck from heavy lifting.

Cervical spondylosis occurs because of long-term degeneration and wear-and-tear of the cervical spine. any previous neck injury may also lead to the condition. Cervical spondylitis usually starts to appear afer the age of 40 years, and it progresses over time. Men usually develop it at an earlier age than women.


  1. Pain in the neck, 
  2. stiffness, and the occasional headache.
  3. Neck pain may spread to the shoulders, arms and hands, and the base of the skull. Moving the head may make the pain worse.
  4. Neck stiffness is more common after a long period of inactivity like after sleeping.

Sometimes these changes result in a compression of the blood vessels. This can affect the blood supply to the brain, possibly resulting in dizziness and even blackouts.


*Neck stretch

  1. Keep your body straight.
  2. Push your chin forward in a way that stretches the throat.
  3. Softly tense the neck muscles.
  4. Hold this for 5 seconds.
  5. Return your head to its centre position.
  6. Push your head back with the chin held high, and hold for 5 seconds, Carry out 5 repetitions.

*Neck tilt

  1. Tilt your head forward so that the chin touches the chest.
  2. Softly tense the neck muscles.
  3. Hold this for 5 seconds. Return the head to a neutral position.
  4. Carry out 5 repetitions.

*Neck tilt (side-to-side)

  1. Lean your head down toward either shoulder.
  2.  leading with the ear.
  3. Softly tense the neck muscles.
  4. Hold this for 5 seconds.
  5. Return your head to the center and repeat on the other shoulder.
  6. Carry out 5 repetitions.

*Neck turn 

  1. your head to one side as far as it remains comfortable.
  2. being sure to keep your chin at a level height.
  3. Tense your neck muscles for 5 seconds.
  4. Return the head to a central position.
  5. Repeat on the opposite side.
  6. Repeat this exercise 5 times on each side.