The lower extremities must be addressed first because they are our connection to the ground and where the anterior pelvic tilt lies. The TFL is first because it a very influential hip flexor that causes the anterior pelvic tilt and has an associative network with the IT Band which directly communicates with the quadriceps. The Iliacus is the second hip flexor that needs to be released since it attaches deep into the pelvis and inserts into the femur. Only about ½ of this muscle can be accessed, so it needs to be addressed as much as possible. The Rectus Femoris is a large hip flexor that plays a huge role in the APT and hyperactivity of the quadriceps. 

Releasing the hip flexors first will be imperative, otherwise dysfunction will continue. Next will be the external rotators of the hip, gluteus medius and piriformis will play hugely in the synergistic dominance over the gluteus maximus. These must be addressed in order to receive proper gluteal and pelvic floor function during the posterior pelvic tilt and any other hip extension.


Once the lower extremities have been addressed you can start releasing your upper extremities. The main focus of the upper body will be to eliminate kyphosis and promote thoracic extension. That being said, the starting point for the upper body will be the upper abdominals. They are responsible for rotating the ribcage downwards, and suppressing the intrinsic core stabilizers. From there, releasing the pectorals, latissimus dorsi, subscapularis will all be crucial for thoracic extension and proper alignment of the glenohumeral joint. 

Once the thoracic is effectively stacked, we can start releasing the anterior portions of the cervical musculature to promote cervical retraction. These muscles will be mainly the sternocleidomastoid and scalenes.  If we follow these techniques in specific order, we will set the foundation of malleability into effect, which will be crucial in applying the integrated corrective exercises .