The thoracic region of musculature will be the focus of this next group of exercises.  Under ideal circumstances the thoracic region will usually be in an upright, extended position.  This region of the body is  directly responsible for maintaining the structural integrity of the upper body.  It will be the point at which the diaphragm will leverage itself from in order to expand the ribcage,  which enables the lunges to take in sufficient amounts of air.  The thoracic spine has direct influence on glenohumeral function as it will lay the ground work for effective scapular function.  It is indicative by  the amount of influential properties this muscle carries that the development in this region cannot be overemphasized.  

As important as the thoracic spine is in terms of biomechanical functionality, it is easily the most difficult area to get a functional recruitment from.  For us to get re-acquainted with  our thoracic spine and get it functioning optimally, it will take a precise concentrated effort from all 3 pillars working simultaneously.  Like the Gluteus Maximus,  tension will be the ultimate guide in letting us know whether we are executing thoracic functionality effectively or not.


ZONE OF FATIGUE The goal for this section of corrective exercises is to develop a functional thoracic spine. Along with the gluteal structures, the T-spine is a crucial point of stability for the body. The thoracic region will be the place in which the upper body will sustain an upright position. This is a pillar of strength that cannot be neglected. Due to all the structural deficiencies present inhibiting functional muscular activation, this is easily the most difficult of all regions of the body to fatigue.


Breathing is the foundation for all thoracic functional capability.  Since it directly attaches to the thoracic spine, the diaphragm will be hugely influential upon the entire thoracic cavity. Although breathing is acknowledged as vital for our survival and movement, it is rarely ever prioritized in exercise regimens.    In terms of physiology, oxygen is where it all starts, so it is absolutely imperative that we take breathing on as a priority.  Ironically, breathing will also be responsible for giving us a nice. structurally sound posture.  

Every time we incorporate inhalation via the usage of the diaphragm, there will be a direct tension that will stimulate the thoracic spine into an extended position.  With all things said, this will only happen if there is a strong base of support underneath the diaphragm.   When there is a presence of an anterior lumbo-pelvic shift in place, it is likely that a forward rounding of the thoracic will be present.  

This will directly impact the diaphragm in its ability to stabilize the thoracic cavity, due to  tightness in the upper abdominals which flex the thoracic spine.   When the upper abdominals pull down on the sternum, it leaves the diaphragm in a point of restricted movement capability.  It is strongly advised to do an upper abdominal SMR technique before breathing to ensure this restriction does not influence the diaphragm.