Winters are here and so are the days to tuck inside cozy blankets. Just like we cover ourselves in many layers of clothes to remain warm from the outside, our body also needs foods that are filling and can keep us warm from the inside. As a result of this weather change, we generally crave foods with high calories, eat more and most of us end up gaining weight.

If you are worried about putting on those extra kilos during winters, here are 5 dietary tips to help you eat healthy and not gain weight during winters:

1. Control your sweet cravings: Winters bring along with them a host of hot-pipping Indian sweets, readily available in the market. It is necessary to control your sugar cravings and be careful of your portion sizes with these. 

2. Eat green-leafy vegetables and seasonal fruits: Some of the most readily available vegetables and fruits during winters are spinach, fenugreek seeds, carrots, turnips, apples, oranges, and peas. Including these in your daily diet will increase vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants consumption. Eating fresh fruits and vegetables will help in proper body functioning and controlling your weight. 

3. Control your peanuts intake: It is true that peanuts are really healthy but the fact is that they are also high in calories. So if you are munching on peanuts while soaking in some sun, please make sure that you are eating only a few every day. Eating too many peanuts daily will increase your weight.

4. Stay hydrated: During winters, our water intake gradually decreases and most winter foods have limited water content in them. As a result, besides routine physiological processes, our weight loss pattern is also affected. Drinking a minimum of 6-8 glasses of water every day is a must. You can drink lukewarm water if you prefer to.

5. Hot Milk with Turmeric (haldi): Turmeric is loaded with medicinal properties that can help you fight various winter ailments like the common cold and the flu. Add a pinch of turmeric to warm milk and drink one glass every night to boost your immunity and to lose weight.