No,if taken in moderation,mangoes do not make us fat and they are safe for diabetics too.
Lucky for us that Mangoes are available all through summers and different regions have mangoes of different shapes,flavors and taste.
Some varieties are hyped because they are exported.
Eat mangoes which ripe naturally on the tree during high summer days of June July and August.
no need to eat mangoes which are made ripe using Carbide /Chemicals during April/May.
Use April/May to make Mango pickles/Aam Panna/Aam Chutney etc using Raw mangoes.
Mangoes are a Rich Source of Water Soluble Vitamins C,& Most of B complex Vitamins except B12( only from animal sources & for vegetarians, dairy products give enough of B 12)
Precursors of fat soluble Vitamins like A,E & K.
Mangoes do have Omega 3 & Omega 6 and are loaded with Minerals and fibers.
Convinced that Mangoes are good for health or Not ?
Anything that is grown locally, is natural and not packaged,processed has to be a good choice for modification of lifestyle.
One ripe mango will have about 30 grams of fruit sugar & a glycemic index of just 10.
Glycemic index is used to calculate the amount of Insulin used to use up the sugar.
Normally Fructose, the fruit sugar has a low glycemic index compared to Complex Carbs like Sugar, Maida, Refined flour,Rice,Pulses Potatoes ,Sweet potatoes etc.
Do Not Overeat Mangoes -too much can have adverse effects.
Eat Mangoes in Moderation ,if diabetic or on a weight loss diet because of the extra benefits offered by this fruit.
Eat some seeds and nuts just after a mango or along with mangoes so that effects of absorption of sugar are felt less by the system.
Mangiferin present in it has anti inflammatory and anti viral impact on body.
Lastly being a rich source of Vitamin C-
Mangoes boost the immunity due to Vitamin C and prepares us to face illnesses related to monsoons -so says the Folktales from Goa !!