The week before TATA MUMBAI MARATHON 2018:
- Rest well and do not exert yourself this week–your body needs to build reserves now, rather than deplete them.
- Think positive and reflect on the good runs and training you have had, rather than on the training that you may have missed.
- Eat more carbohydrates–brown rice, pasta and cut out deep fried foods to build energy reserves.
- Reduce tea, coffee and alcohol, and drink more water and fresh juices including tender coconut water to build hydration levels.
- Wear the gear you are going to run in–shoes, socks, undergarments, shorts and T-shirt – and sunglasses or cap, headband, face mask if required, this week and make sure you are comfortable in them
- Have the same breakfast you are planning to have on Sunday, on Thursday and go for a 3km easy run
- Sleep enough, and remember your best training runs before your sleep. Especially Thursday to Saturday – you need it do not exert yourself and try and stay off your feet as much as you can
- Cut your toenails to avoid black toenails post the run
- Do not think of work and your life’s worries.
- Think of the course and the fun and excitement.