In scientific terms jumper’s knee is alsoknown as patellar tendonitis. The patellar tendon attachment between thepatella (knee cap) and the top of the tibia. The patellar tendon helps tostraighten the leg. 

Patellar tendonitis (jumper’s knee) may developdue to repeated stress being placed on the patellar tendon. Jumper’s knee is anoveruse condition that often occurs in athletes who perform repetitive jumpingactivities while playing or practicing, such as- basketball, volleyball,football, and it also may occur in runners.

Jumper’s knee is a knee pain that isassociated with focal patellar tendon tenderness, and it is usuallyactivity-related. Jumper’s knee can occur above the patella, below the patella,and the tendon insertion into the tibia. But the most common area of thejumper’s knee to occur is just below the knee cap.

Jumper’s knee will cause anterior knee pain atthe inferior border of the patella with tenderness to palpation at the distalpole of the patella in extension and not in flexion.

Some of the predisposing factors are-Quadriceps inflexibility and atrophy, Hamstring tightness, Playing on a hardsurface, Sudden Increased training frequency, Patellar hypermobility.

Patellar tendonitis occurs due to irritationof the tendon and its progress to tearing and degeneration of the tendon.Jumper’s knee is degenerating and not inflammation. Jumper’s knee causesmicro-tears of the tendon due to repetitive, eccentric forcible contraction ofthe extensor muscles with poor flexibility of the hamstrings and quadriceps.

An early stage of the jumper’s knee can betreated with sports physiotherapy but severe cases may require surgery.

With physiotherapy treatment, 90 percent ofathletes return to pre injury level of activity.


Cryotherapy to reduce inflammation and pain.

Compression bandage or garment to reduceinflammation.

The physiotherapist will design an exerciseprogram for load management.
Later on, Isometric exercises can be started,it will help the patient to reduce pain.

Then Eccentric exercises can be performed suchas single-leg decline squats.

Patellar mobilization.

Stretching of quadriceps, hamstring, and calfmuscles.

Strengthening of the gluteus, hip flexorsmuscle by heavy slow resistance exercise, progressive resistance exercise, andfunctional task. For example- straight leg raise exercise, side-lying abductionof hip, prone kickback exercise, bridging, clamshells, lunges, etc.

Exercise to increase muscle power such as-split squats, faster stairs, and skipping exercise, etc.

Plyometric exercises such as- jumpingexercises, deceleration, and change of direction tasks.

Transverse friction massage.

Myofascial manipulation of knee extensormuscle group.

The knee bracing or taping technique, it willhelp to unload the knee joint.

Patellar tendonitis strap helps relieve kneepain caused by patellar tendonitis.

Our physiotherapy clinic is equipped withworld-class latest technology machines which are used by international athletesfor faster recovery such as- Extracorporeal shock wave (ECSW), High-intensityclass 4 laser, super inductive system (SIS), Cryo-compression, Cryo-air,Targeted Radiofrequency (TR-therapy), & Combo machine, etc.

Sports-specific training at set intensity andduration.

If a patient does require surgery, thenphysiotherapy should start immediately to prevent scar tissue formation andreturn the patient to full function.

For more queries and appointments call us at01149032333 / 8826627027 / 8826215518. Or Visit us at Website , E-mail us at Video consultation is also available.