Frozen shoulder
Diabetes now affects millions of people worldwide after an abrupt increase in prevalence over the past few decades. In order to prevent long-term complications including heart issues, muscle spasms, arteries blockage, etc., diabetics must maintain their blood sugar levels. The body's cholesterol levels are maintained and the heart is kept healthy with regular exercise. People with diabetes have high blood glucose levels. As a result, diabetes-related joint disorders such as frozen shoulder and other shoulder conditions develop, which are quite common in diabetic patients. Pain, significant loss of range of motion in all directions, and thick adhesions are all signs of a frozen shoulder. Exercise can help you regain movement in your shoulder joint. We have described a few exercises for frozen shoulders in this blog.
Adhesive capsulitis, often known as frozen shoulder, causes progressive loss of shoulder mobility and is painful. It begins with stiffness and pain that lasts for two to six months. Later, it becomes less painful but stiff, and some movements are completely lost. The primary goals of physiotherapy treatment are to reduce pain and inflammation while increasing the range of motion.
Physiotherapy Treatment at Elite Physiotherapy & Sports Injury Centre
At Elite Physiotherapy and Sports Injury Centre, we provide a holistic approach to treating Frozen shoulders. Our physiotherapists utilize various techniques and tools to get you relief as soon as possible. Treatment of frozen shoulder at our clinic includes:
- Super Inductive System.
- Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy.
- Manual therapy
- Cupping therapy.
- Dry needling therapy.
- Osteopathy.
- Chiropractics.
- Manipulation and mobilization. etc.
Exercise for Frozen Shoulder
Warm up before performing these exercises by having a 10- to 15-minute warm bath or shower. Also, you can use a hot towel fomentation to your shoulder.
Flexion Extension Exercises:
Use an exercise rod or any 3-5 feet-long stick while standing or sitting. Hold that rod with both of your hands and gently bend your arm and shoulders. Lift the rod behind your back and above your head. This exercise will improve the shoulder's range of motion.
Pendulum Stretch:
Let your shoulders drop. Leaning slightly forward while standing, hang the affected arm down. Swing the arm in a circle, both in the clockwise and counterclockwise directions. For reference try to make a circle of about 1 feet diameter.
Towel Stretch:
A towel is held behind the back while both of your hand grabs both ends. The towel should be held horizontally. Pull the injured arm upward with the unaffected arm to feel the stretch.
Finger Walk:
Stand while facing the wall at an arm's length distance. The fingertips of the affected arm should be able to touch the wall at waist level. To raise the arm as high as it feels comfortable, gently bend the elbow and slowly walk the fingers up the wall.
Cross-body Reach:
Sit or stand and lift the affected arm up and cross your body at the elbow by holding it by the normal or opposite arm, while applying light pressure to the shoulder. For 20 seconds, maintain the stretch.
Outward Rotation:
With the elbows at a 90-degree angle and near the sides, hold an exercise band in between your hands. Rotate the injured arm two or three inches outward and hold for five seconds.
Inward Rotation:
Place one end of an exercise band around the doorknob as you stand next to a closed door. Hold the opposite end while bending the elbow to a 90-degree angle with the hand of the affected arm. Hold the position with the band 2-3 inches closer to the body for 5 seconds.
Hand-behind-back Stretch:
Place the afflicted arm behind your back while standing. Grab this wrist with your opposing hand. By angling the affected arm toward the opposing buttock, you can stretch it. Move it as high up as you can, slowly. Hold on to this position for a short while.
Umbrella Push:
Sit on a chair with your elbows by your sides. Use an overhand grip to carry an umbrella in front. Push the affected arm to the side using the unaffected arm. Keep the affected arm's elbow bent to the side. Go back to the beginning place.
Forceful motions should be avoided because they can hurt.