Jones fracture is fracture of 5th metatarsal. As wediscussed in earlier post about the jones fracture now we going to explainabout jones fracture in an athlete. What are the reason to make jones fracturecommon in athletes? 

The recent example of jones fracture is with Brazilianfootballer “Neymar Jr” he had this fracture during a football game. He got thisfracture while kicking the football while his ankle is in plantar flexion andforefoot is adducted. Other sports in which jones fracture can occur arebasketball, cricket, running and jumping, etc. 

Blood supply at the site of jones fracture is not so good,and the forces on that bone in that location sort of pull it apart so that areais prone to delayed healing. 

Jones fracture are more common in athletes who have highfoot arch. 

Physiotherapy treatment of jones fracture in athletesincludes:

Icing to reduce inflammation and pain. 

Initial physiotherapy focus on no to little weight bearingon the affected limb as the bones remain to calcify and heal properly. 

Manual therapy around the ankle and plantar of the foot tominimize pain and inflammation. 

Active and passive ROM exercises within the small metatarsaland tarsal joint such as plantar & dorsiflexion of foot and ankle,inversion and inversion of foot & ankle. 

Soft tissue massage. 

Joint mobilization. 


Stretching exercises. 

Strengthening exercises such as- towel grabbing exercise. 

Balance and coordination exercises on wobble board, Bosuball, or Sissel pillow.

Proprioceptive exercises.