A ligament is a band of dense regular connective tissue bundles made of collagenous fibers, with bundles protected by dense irregular connective tissue sheaths. Ligaments connect bones to other bones to form joints, while tendons connect bone to muscle. Injury happens in a ligament when it is stretched or torn. Ligaments are tough tissues that interface bones. They are fibrous, strong wire-like bands that hold the joint bones together. Ligaments help the joints and keep the bones in place. They enable the body to lift, lower or pivot the arms and legs. A ligament injury may involve one or more ligaments.


A sprain is due to a direct wound or sudden twisting of the joint, which may occur during sports activities, or perhaps because there is an accident or fall. Some factors below may increase the risk of a sprain of a ligament:

1. Overuse of muscles or muscle fatigue.

2. The sudden increase in the amount and intensity of physical training.

3. Using sports equipment the wrong way.

4. Wearing shoes that do not fit or are not well suited for the activity.


1. Feeling loose in the joint

2. Unable to balance excess weight

3. Trouble moving the joint

4. The wounded area may be bruised and warm when touched

5. Sudden pain or swelling

6. The joint gives way, particularly during heavy physical activity. This may occur if a joint in the lower arm or leg is affected.

Ayurveda treatment for ligament injury:

In Ayurveda, the ligament is associated with Mamsa Dhatu. Ligament injury causes an imbalance in the Vata and Pitta doshas and is usually caused by external factors such as unexpected events. Ayurveda treatment of ligament injury requires a more holistic approach.

Ayurveda therapy aims to reduce inflammation and swelling and return the ligament to its proper safe state. 

Ayurveda recognizes the energy imbalance, takes into account the amount of toxin (ama) that a patient may have in their body, and assesses how well prana, the life force energy responsible for all movements in the body, flows in the injury itself and the patient’s body in general. The Ayurveda treatment balances the dosha Vata and pitta and also strengthens the joints and muscles.


Treatment methods include panchakarma, physical treatments, personal medicines, exercises, dietary recommendations, and lifestyle changes. Panchakarma – Nasya, Virechana, Basti – depending on the wound location. Externally – Abhyanga, PPS, SSPS, Kashaya Seka Sthanika Basti, Dhara, Pichu, Lepa, Upanaha.