Infertility can be a painful topic to discuss. Moreover, it is still shrouded in a lot of misconceptions and secrecy. One way to make infertility treatments such as IVF (in vitro fertilisation) more widely accessible is to create more awareness around infertility and IVF, and dispel the myths associated with these topics. 

In this video, Dr. Shruti Parikh, a gynaecologist and IVF consultant, answers the following questions in Hindi:

1) Is it true that infertility is rare?

2) Is it a myth that infertility is mainly a women-specific problem?

3) Is a second pregnancy always easy?

4) Can stress alone cause infertility?

5) Are IVF babies just as “normal” as those born from a natural pregnancy? 

6) Does an IVF pregnancy always result in twins?

7) Does a woman need to be on bed rest after IVF?

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