This muscle originates at the anterior superior iliac spine and inserts into the lateral aspect of the tibial tubercle. The IT band specifically will not get tight on it’s own as it is just a continuation of the tensor fascia latae. The typical problem with the IT band is that it takes influence from the fascia originating for the outer portions of the glutes. When the glutes externally rotate the femurs, it sets a path of tightness within that fascia that will relay all the way down the lateral border of the femur.
The IT band will also get a direct entanglement with the vastus lateralus. This specific tendon is usually the direct influence in knee problems with people who have externally rotated femurs. The IT band will also be responsible for lateral patellar tracking (knees that slide outward). This can be extremely bad on the tendons of the knee.
Often times, when a myofascial release technique is implemented it will significantly relieve the symptoms of pain of that are often brought upon by lateral patellar tracking. To get optimal release of this muscle, it is best to try and get slightly behind the vastus lateralus. Quite often, people who do an IT band release are usually just getting on the outer portions of the quadriceps. Although that isn’t a bad thing, in this situation it is preferred that we get into the IT band.
The IT bands will be responsible for lateral patellar tracking. Using a lacrosse ball will prove to be an easier way to introduce myofascial release to the IT band. Because the tissues of the IT band tend to be very tender, it can sometimes make it intolerable to go straight to a PVC pipe. Be sure to take this release slow as it can be shocking the first time it is introduced.
On the lateral portions of the femur, we will want to position our body in a sideways over the pvc pipe. It is good to section off the tissue one area at a time to make it a little more tolerable in terms of pain. Start on one foot, as you progress then apply more pressure by taking both legs off of the ground.