Healthy and beautiful smile make you appear more attractive. Study shows that 45% people view individual with bad smile, irregular teeth or stained teeth as less attractive than with straight and bright teeth.

Second dental opinion is good way to confirm the diagnosis and treatment. In that way we can evaluate the costly dental treatment like root canal, dental implants,invisalign (invisible braces), dental bone graft cosmetic dental treatment etc.

Reasons for second opinion:

1. To choose best and long lasting treatment.

2. If you are uncomfortable about diagnosis of your dentist, you can take feedback from another expert dentist. Ask to pen down all details of dental treatment.

3. Your dentist has advised oral surgery. If your dentist believes oral surgery is the best thing for you, it’s a good idea to talk to an oral and maxillofacial surgeon. 

This applies for both, new patients and patients under dental treatment. Well informed patient involve combination dental x-ray and healthy discussion.